Chapter Three

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An announcement was made. Monokuma spoke through the speakers and said, “A body has been discovered! Finally, the game has started!”, he stopped the announcement and appeared next to everyone else. “S-Someone killed… Madison?”, Brian asked hoping it wasn’t real. Monokuma laughed and spoke up, “Everyone! If you want to find the blacken who killed your friend over here, then you need to investigate! You have two hours to gather all the clues you think is necessary to solve the crime. Good luck my campers. Ahahaha!”, he laughed before disappearing. Everyone looked at each other and nodded. “We should split up and look around. Someone stay here and try to figure out how Madison died.”, Jeffrey said as everyone started to walk out beside Karla and Krystal, who stood behind and look for clues at the crime scene.

Two hours have passed and everyone met outside the cabin. “Where do we go now…?”, Krystal asked as Zay said, “Monokuma told Jeffrey, Andrew and I to meet him at a clearing with a big rock in the road.” Everyone nodded and looked for the clearing. They made it and looked around for some sort of entrance. “There’s nothing here!”, Andrew yelled as Ian was looking at a weirdly shaped tree branch. “This looks weird.”, Ian said as he pulled on the branch. The ground rumbled as the rock slide aside revealing stairs leading underground. “Andrew, you are… WRONG!”, Charlie said as he walked and the others walked down the stairs. Jeffrey kept thinking to himself as Zay reminded him that he isn’t alone. “We’ll find who killed Madison. Believe me.”, Zay told Jeffrey as he agreed. “We will find the murder.”, Jeffrey thought to himself. They all entered a room with pedestals forming a circle. Everyone stood behind their spots as Monokuma appeared on the throne. “Now let me explain the class trial! The blacken will against the spotless to see who has done the murder! If the spotless guess correctly, then the blacken gets punished. But if they choose incorrectly… Then everyone besides the blacken will be punished!”, he laughed. “What is the punishment?”, Danielle asked. “Why, execution!”, Monokuma grinned as everyone's faces were full of despair.

“So where do we begin?”, Andrew asked as Karla answered, “Well the monokuma file said that Madison was killed at 9:50 AM by several stab wounds.” Zay spoke up saying, “We did notice there was a knife missing when we were in the kitchen.”, Krystal added, “Not only that… But there was a dagger missing too from the storage room. The window was also opened.” Ian said, “Then they must have gotten out by jumping out of the window!”, but Jeffrey stopped that thought, “No that’s wrong! No one is going to survive a drop or at least get away by jumping out of that window. One of us would have been limping if that was the case.” Ian looked down as he said, “Oh man. I thought I was onto something.” Karla spoke up and said, “We should go back to how Madison died. She was stabbed several times in the stomach region. The monokuma file said it was an slow death.” Charlie yelled out, “What about the vent in the bathroom?! It was unscrewed when I went back to the bathroom!”, Jeffrey quickly added in, “Doesn’t that vent leads…”, before he finished his thought Charlie said, “Yup! It leads outside! I should know because I crawled through that vent to see where it lead too.”

“Charlie is right. I watched him crawl out of that vent when I was looking around outside.”, Mackayla said as Charlie nodded. “Whoever our culprit is… Must be around Charlie’s height to crawl through that vent. The question is… Where did they go afterward?”, Kenny said. “Outside obviously!”, Brian yelled out. “They could have met up with us… After we found the body.”, Krystal said quietly. “We should disgust our alibi’s then. This happened at 9:50 so… one of us must have been doing the crime before then.”, Jeffrey said. “Well… Zoey, Karla and I have been telling random stories.”, Savannah said. “Andrew, Charlie and I have been playing video games over at my cabin.”, said Zay as Charlie added in, “But Andrew did go out to use the “bathroom”.”, Andrew looked around surprised and yelled, “Hey! We don’t know anyone else’s alibi’s yet!” Jeffrey shook his head and said, “I was in my cabin thinking. I didn’t come in until 10:00 AM with Krystal, Nick, and Danielle.” Mackayla said, “I was with Brian and Kenny talking about a horror movie. It was quite funny.” Everyone, but Ian and Andrew has an alibi. “Ian… What were you doing before the crime?”, Savannah asked as Ian quickly spoke up, “I was using the bathroom next door to the crime bathroom! I heard screaming… But I thought someone was watching something.” Andrew added in, “And I was in the bathroom of my cabin. I came out around 9:51 and decided to walk to the cabin. Charlie and Zay have already left.”

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