There was a minute of silence,

"Do you.. trust me with all this info?"

America glanced at me and sighed,

"No, I'm simply telling you this because my dad told me to, it's also a punishment for going to the human world without his permission,"

"Well even if it is only a punishment I really do appreciate what you're doing for me," I looked at him and faintly smiled

America glanced at me again but this time I could see happiness in his eyes, he smiled at me for once.

He then came to the realization that he was unintentionally smiling so he looked away and he covered his mouth with his hand.

"N-no problem kiddo.. u-uh hey look we're here,"

I glanced over to see a fairly big house, it's exterior was a beige color with quite a few windows. Quite a Few trees were planted around, along with a few lamps attached to the front of the house. It was definitely a better house compared to my cramped apartment.

"You live here alone?"

"W-well yeah, I mean my brothers stay here sometimes but it's mostly just me, they have their own places too."

"America is quite a rich country so I'm not surprised,"

America opened the door for me, I step inside and admire the really nice furniture and atmosphere. The door closes behind me, and I start to look around. it's kinda surprising that his house isn't that bad.

"I guess you can use the guest room on the second floor," America rubbed his head as he starts climbing the stairs.

I follow behind him whilst examining the pictures on his walls. There were mostly pictures of America with his family, America opened a wooden door next to the stairs that revealed a guest room.

I plop down on the bed, the white sheets seemed fresh and new.

"When you're done, you can go change your clothes,"

"Oh sorry I didn't bring any,"

America sighed, "Fine you can use mine for today since you're going home tomorrow anyway,"

He retreated to the room in front of mine which I assumed was his room and came back a few minutes later with some clothes for me to wear.

"Here, it might be a bit too big but I think it should work for now, when you're done changing you can come downstairs and I guess I can explain about the situation," He said as he handed me the clothes. I nodded, and so he closed the door behind him.

I changed into the shirt America gave me along with some jeans and a hoodie. It was just like he said, kinda big but it worked.

I headed downstairs where I saw him sitting in the dining room on his phone. I slid onto the seat next to him, he finally acknowledged my presence.

"Thank you for the clothes,"

"H-huh, yeah sure.."

"So.. um, you mentioned something about sending me back home tomorrow, how exactly are we going to do that?" 

"Well remember what I mentioned earlier about us being able to go to the human world using the world map? Well we plan on going back to New York using the map,"

"I see, but what happens if it doesn't work?"

"Well you'll have to stay here for awhile until we can figure out how to send you back, but I hardly think that's going to happen because you have me!" America smiled at me.

"Right.. I just hope it works,"  I stammered, I don't know what I'll do if it doesn't work. But it seems like a pretty concrete plan so I'm pretty sure it'll work, I shouldn't get my hopes up too high though.

"So uh I didn't see any female countries, why is that?"

"Female countries don't exist here, we're all technically male but you could say we're genderless,"

I guess I'm the oddball, I won't have any female friends to talk to.

Suddenly my head throbbed and I was hit with a wave of pain. It was excruciating, then I heard a voice "Careful what you say.. you don't want it to be game over do you?" The voice chuckled. And so with that the headache stopped.

"Hey are you okay??" America asked worriedly. "It's fine I just had a mild headache, I overreacted sorry," I lied. "Thank god, you scared me for a second there," America flinched and turned away. "Uh ignore what I just said," he added. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, He wasn't as bad as he seemed when we first met.

America's phone rang, he picked it up and stared at it for a few second before glancing back at me. "Hey sorry I have to take this, I'll be right back," America walked upstairs and to answer his phone call.

I sat quietly in the kitchen, It was boring so I decided to explore. I walked around the first floor examining room to room, there was a living room, a storage room, a bathroom, and other stuff. While walking around I noticed a drawer next to the tv which had a few photo frames on top.

Curiosity got the better of me and I opened the drawer, I found a letter inside. I opened it and it was a letter from France to Britain, it was a letter about divorce and how they should deal with the kids. "Oh right America! He wouldn't like it if I was caught snooping around his stuff," I thought as I turned to look at America right behind me. He glared at me with anger and snatched the paper out of my hand.

"What were you doing?!" He shouted at me, "I'm sorry I-," "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" He cut me off. "Please I'm sor-"

"It's getting late so maybe it's best you go to bed now," he avoided eye contact and I silently nodded, I climbed up the stairs and into my room. I heard silent sobbing from downstairs but I did enough damage, "I'm sorry America you shouldn't have gone through that," I thought.

My eyes were heavy and soon I drifted off to sleep,

Tomorrow was going to be a long day..


(A/N) : Uh Hey sorry for the author note but I finally finished exams so I'll be able to upload more, anyway I'm not sure whether to make the parts longer or not. Other than that I don't have anything else to say so uh just wait for the next part I guess.

It'll start to get interesting real soon~

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