"I see..." Obito responded, narrowing his eyes.

"The kids had a rough life, but the way he acts and behaves around Naruko and Sasuke really concerns me. He acts like-!?"

"Like Orochimaru." Obito finished.

"...Yeah." Kakashi nodded in affirmation of Obito's statement.

"Although, it isn't a surprise considering his upbringing, he was born in the orphanage, was the forced to manage an apartment at a young age, and then went to a academy where people called him talent-less. Makes sense why he'd have a grudge against the world like he does." Kakashi explained.

"Yeah, now he's on a team full of prodigies who he will always be behind. I can kind of sympathize with the kid on that." Obito said, once being in the same position.

"That's why I really want to help him mature. He may not realize it...but he's got potential. Not saying he will be at Naruko or Sasuke's level, but I believe he could become something great." Kakashi said, eyes full of compassion.

"Yeah, and the last thing Konoha needs is another Orochimaru." Obito said seriously.

"I just hope Naruko and Sasuke can get through to them." Kakashi said.

Obito patted Kakashi on the back with a wide grin.

"Look at you, actually acting like a Sensei, never thought i'd see the day!" Obito exclaimed.

Kakashi shook his head at Obito's childish persona.

But honestly, that's the best part of him' Kakashi thought with a smile beneath his facial mask.

"Hey Kakashi, who's that guy!" Yelled the rough voice of Zabuza, who was sizing up Obito.

"Oh, hey! Nice to meet ya! I'm Obito Uchiha, I've been sent here as an extra Jonin. Just to make sure things go by smoothly." Obito said holding out his hand with a large dorky smile he is known so well for.

"The names Zabuza Momochi, glad to meet ya! And here I was beginning to think all Jonin's from the Leaf Village were a stick in the mud like your friend here!" Zabuza responded heartily with his sharp toothed grin.

"Funny." Kakashi said bluntly.

"Anyways, I'm here to tell you we finally have the info we need." Zabuza said with a smirk.

"Really? I thought he would never give it up." Kakashi said in surprise.

"You should've had seen him, man did he have a throat on him! Dude could scream for hours like it was nothing, hahahahaha!" Zabuza said with a sick grin on his face.

Obito frowned at his laughter.

"What did you do to get him to spill?" Obito questioned.

"I put a small hole on the side of his neck, and let the blood slowly drip out. Eventually he couldn't handle hearing the sound of his own blood dripping onto the floor. He told us everything we needed to know." Zabuza said.

"...Did you kill him?" Obito questioned.

"Nah, figure he could still serve as leverage against the people we are soon to be ransacking. Besides he's-!?" Zabuza was unable to finish explaining anything to Obito.

Obito walked briskly past the Sharp toothed psychopath, straight into the old building. Zabuza yelled out to him, but Obito paid him no mind. Obito walked past Haku, who was mopping up the copious amounts of blood and flesh. There he saw the pale, near to death of Kenichi. Obito scowled at the sight.

"P-Please...pl-please kill me..." Kenichi whimpered out.

Obito looked upon the man sadly.

"As you wish."

In Their Shadow Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora