3. Best Of Me

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Narrator's POV

(Y/N) was waiting for Namjoon to pick her up at (Street name) when a white van with tinted windows began slowing down at where she stood and when it came to a complete stop, the girl was about to grab her shit and run.

'No, Not Today Satan!'

The glass whined down slowly and someone stuck their head out.

"Hey, don't be scared. It's me."

"Oh my gosh, Namjoon hyung! You could have given me a heart attack! Do you wish to kill me?!!"

"Haha! Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Anyways, get in. You need to meet with the others."

She nodded and entered the vehicle. (Y/N) looked out the window as he drove. She was quite interested in the scenery. Before she knew it, she fell asleep.

Namjoon's POV

I glanced at the side of me to see a sleeping (Y/B/N).

'He must really trust me since he fell asleep.'

Soon enough, we arrived at the hotel where the others were at. When I parked the van, I noticed how long and full his eyelashes were, how plumped and pink his lips where I couldn't help myself. I had to touch it. I placed my thumb finger on his mouth and lightly stroked it. I was so focused on his lips, I didn't notice he had woken up. I immediately pulled back my hand and unlocked the door.

"We're here." I coughed and hopped out the van.

(Y/N)'s POV

During my sleep, I began feeling something playing with my lips. When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe what I saw. RM was so close to my face, with his thumb on my lips, gently stroking it. As I was about to say something, he noticed that I was awake and quickly pulled back.

"We're here." He said awkwardly and exited the vehicle. I came out with my stuff and followed him. We walked in the elevator and clicked the highest floor number there was.

'Why was he touching my lips?? I told him I'm a guy-'

I was brought out of my thoughts by Namjoon speaking.

"Don't think nothing of what happened. You were just drooling so I helped you by wiping it off. I'm sure you don't want to meet the others with your face covered in drool." he coughed.

My face was flustered, red of embarrassment.

'What?? I was drooling?! Since when do I drool?! Plus I made HIM see! Oh my my my! I just wanna dig a hole and jump in it!'.
(See what I did there lol)

I was once again snapped into reality when I heard the elevator door open. Namjoon came out and I followed behind. When he opened the door I heard.. moaning...? Followed by


"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!"

RM looked at me to see what was my reaction but I just had a very confused look on my face.

"I'm home!" he shouted.

The moaning began coming closer and closer until I could finally see who was making the noise.

"MMMM, you're finally home!! Oh, is this (Y/B/N)? He's so cute! I'm Jin."

The rest of the members started to gather in the area I was in. I was now trying to hold back my squeal when I saw my bias, j-hope, walked in. I was literally shaking. As they were about to introduce themselves, I stopped them.

"No need! I already know who you all are and it's an absolute honor to be here in the same room as you guys." I began tearing up.

"Wait... He's an ARMY?" Taehyung asked.

"Apparently so," Jungkook answered.

"Haha. Don't worry! Just because I like you guys doesn't mean I won't work hard. I didn't just audition so I can be with you all." I continued "But before that, can I go in ARMY mode just once right now... Please?"

They looked at each other and nodded slowly.

'Remember not to act too feminine or they'll find out immediately!' I repeated in my head.

"RM, dude! The way you write those songs are like wow, I can't even! You're rapping is amazing! And can I... poke your dimple, please..?"

"Haha! Thanks! And sure, you can."

He bent his head a little lower so I can get to reach his dimple. I slowly brought my index finger to it and gently poked it.

"I'm gonna die," I whispered as I removed my hand from his face. "Jin! Worldwide handsome! I just wanna stand next to you and put my hand on your shoulders even though I'll look like a chewed up piece of gum that someone stuck under the table some months ago."

They all chuckled as I stood next to him and placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Tae... Taee Tae Taaaeee!! PLEASE PUNCH ME IN THE FACE!"

"WHAT?!" He asked.

I walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Yea... I know... Please punch me in the face while you sing Cypher 4!"

"What? I'm not punching you!"

"Fine... I'll come back to you then."

"Suga... Can I hold your hand?"

He nodded and extended his hand for me to hold I gladly accept it.

'Omg! his hand is so warm! I'm gonna cry." after a while, we let go and I continued.

"Jimin, can I touch your hair and hold your hand also?" He nodded.

I ran my fingers through his thick hair, trying my best to keep my sanity at this point. When I was done, I held his hand.

"Finally! A male with smaller hands than me!" he celebrated by intertwining his fingers with mine.

'If you only knew'.

After letting go, I went to Jungkook.

"JK! I just want to play hand strength with you"

"Ohhh, let's go!"

We ran to a table and we gripped hands.

"Jimin, you weren't kidding when you said his hands were small."

Of course, he didn't take it easy on me and I lost but it was worth it.

"J-HOOOOOPPPPPPPEEEEEE! I just want you to know you really are my hope and I really appreciate you. When I feel down, I think of you. Thank you for being you!" I didn't ask him to do anything but he came to me and hugged me.

After the hug was over, I went back to Taehyung.

"Punch me" The man sighed and gently punched me. "I guess that will do for now."
I back away from them and bowed deeply. "Thank you for accepting my stupid request. You all are really the best and I really do love you all."

I cleared my throat and went back to my usual self, "Hello, I'm (L/N) (Y/B/N) and it's a pleasure to be working with you all."

Author's Note.
Haha! Yes, we know Namjoon doesn't drive but after writing the first part, we forgot Namjoon doesn't drive! We were thinking of changing it but we were so ahead in our drafts and editing it would destroy our storyline so far. (plus we're lazy, hi.) Anyways, we wish you let this one slide. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. There are more events to come. Please stay with us until the end!!

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