2. Born Singer

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It was currently a rainy Friday night at (Y/N)'s house. The girl prayed that it wouldn't rain as much as it did tomorrow because one, the house roof was leaking a lot. They had to use the empty containers to catch the water, and two, if it rained heavily she wouldn't be able to go to town to see the results. (Y/N) went to bed, holding her sleeping sister in her arms. Soon, she closed her eyes and allowed the darkness to consume her.

The Next Day.

"..Up... (Y/N)... Wake up!" She slowly opened her eyes to see a slice of bread in her face.

"Did you forget you had something to do today?" (Y/N) removed the bread that was on her face and sat up.

"Wha....?" She said in her still half-asleep voice.

"Did you really forget that you have to go see the results? And go brush your teeth. Your breath smells horrible." Her brother said.

She ate her breakfast that was only a single bread and got ready.

"Sissy? Where are you going?" A mini version of (Y/N) asked, walking into the living room with her Teddy bear.

"Mi-ran, I'm going to town to get something. Be a good girl while I'm gone, okay?" She patted the little girl on her head and walked out of the house.

"Come back soon..." The child said softly.

Walking down the street, (Y/N) hummed parts of the song she wrote.

(Y/N)'s POV

When I arrived at the place, I was instructed to sit down outside. I sat where I could see outside and waited. Everything was quiet until I was approached by a short boy and a woman which seems to be his mother. By the way they were dressed, it was easy to tell that they were loaded.

"Pfft! What is something like you doing here? You know you aren't going to get accepted, right? No matter how talented you are, BigHit will only accept my son! I can provide financial support plus my son has talents so you better go home and don't waste your time anymore, missy." The woman bragged as her son teased me. "Excuse me? Who said you can just walk up to me and say such awful things like that? For all I know, BigHit wouldn't want to accept a witch and a brat like you." I said sternly. The woman bit her lip and stepped back. She looked at her son and then back at me. The woman scoffed and then walked away.

Minutes passed and I was now doubting if I would get accepted.

Like come on, there were a lot of people there for the audition and they're only choosing one? There's no way I could make it. What that woman said was true. I better stop wasting my time..

As I was about to get up from my seat, the glass sliding door opened, revealing familiar faces.

"I'm glad you all came here today and are curious about what the results are. Please remember that each one of you are talented and it was a tough decision to decide who would be chosen." Bang PD-nim said

"But we did have to choose... So the person that is accepted is..... (L/N) (Y/B/N)!! Is he here? Can you come up?" Namjoon questioned.

I slowly stood up and walked to them.

"I'm here.." I said in a soft voice, still upset by the lady.

Wait a second... I WAS CHOSEN??

Narrator's POV

After everyone left, RM carried (Y/N) to dinner.

"So tell me a little more about yourself." The older man asked.

"Well, I'm the oldest of my siblings, I enjoy reading, painting and also cooking." The girl continued, "Oh! I can also speak 3 different languages like English, Japanese, and French. I also-... Oh, am I boring you? I'm sorry, sometimes I get carried away... Haha"

"No, no! It's fine! I enjoy listening to you." Namjoon ensured her and rest his chin in the palm of his hands.

When the food came, Namjoon noticed that (Y/N) barely touched her food.

"You don't like it? You can get something else if you-"

"No, that's not it... I can't just eat all of this and not carry any for my siblings.. It just doesn't feel right."

RM made an 'o' shape with his mouth then spoke again "Well if that's the case, I can just get 2 separate boxes for them."

"It's fine! If you do that, I'll feel really bad! You're already paying for me.."

"I insist."

A few more minutes past and they were getting ready to leave the restaurant.

"Hey, you should go home and pack your things.. I should also come with you because we have to meet up with the others after."

"No! No... That's fine, just meet me at (Street name)."
(A/N: That street is not the street she lives in)

"Oh well... Whatever makes you happy. I'll be there at 4." he winked.

At (Y/N)'s Home

As (Y/N) arrived home, she burst through the door and shouted, causing her brother and sister to get startled.

"What the hell?! You almost made Mi-ran cry!" Joowin shouted at her while she placed the plastic bag in the table

"Joowin! My dear brother! I GOT ACCEPTED!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! This is going to change our lives!!" She ran up to him and gave him a big hug.

"Eww get your love and affection away from me." He said, pushing her away and then continuing "And wow, really?? Since when do you have talent?"

"I need to get some of your clothes and there is food in that bag for you and Mi-ran" The girl pointed at the bag and ran up to his room then began digging through his drawer.

"Yah! What are you doing?! What am I supposed to wear if you take my clothes, idiot?"

"Aish! I'm only taking a little so don't worry! And if I were taking your clothes you could simply wear mine. Hehe~" She said while stuffing the bag.

"Huh? Sissy? Why are you packing? Are you going to leave just like mummy and daddy?!" The child ran towards (Y/N) and hugged her leg "You told me you'll never leave me... Sissy, you're breaking our promise!"

"Mi-ran don't cry.. I promise I'll come back to visit! If I don't go, things will never get better and you'll never be able to get your dream in going to school and making friends..." (Y/N) tried to comfort the girl but that made her cry even harder. This broke her heart.

"Mi-ran, you know she's doing this for the both of us..." Joowin said quietly, trying to hide his trembling voice. "You should leave now.."

"You're right.." She picked up her bag as well as Mi-ran and walked to her younger brother and hugged him. "Take care of her.. I love you both so so much... I'll risk my life for you two.." Her voice broke while saying that.

"Yeah... Did you pack your undergarments" He asked, patting her back.


"Did you put them at the bottom of your bag?"

She nodded her head and broke the hug then gave her sister to the boy with puffy eyes.

"Nooo! Sissy! Don't go! Don't leave us! Don't leave like mommy and daddy! You said that we'll never leave each other!" Hearing Mi-ran cries from behind her as she walked out of the house, made her feel to run back inside and forget about going anywhere but she knew it was for the best. With every step, the child's cry faded.

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