25. 1 Verse

36 2 1

Narrator's POV

"Manager, we know the rules but we can't ignore our hearts!" Jin said.

"Have you forgotten why that rule was even made?! At the beginning of the contract we explained why you all as idols couldn't be in relationships. Do you enjoy seeing young fans killing themselves because of your dumb feelings? This is real life, guys."

"Manager, as you said this IS real life and it is normal for us to want to be in a relationship and besides, they won't find out."

"You are violating your contract."

"For the first time, we've ever asked for something. Normally, we just do what you ask of us and now for you to just accept our relationship, you can't do that..?" Yoongi spat out.

"I can't even be with the person I wanted to be with since childhood because I'm an idol? If it's like that... Then... I don't want that anymore!" Taehyung said.

"Same.." Jimin shyly agreed.

"Mmhmm." Jungkook joined in.

"I didn't know this contract was like literally signing your life away.. It'll be good to get out of it if I still can." Jin said.

"I owe her a lot.," Hoseok said.

"And I also agree with all of their points.." Namjoon nodded at the boys.

The manager looked at them all and shook his head in disappointment.

"You all are willing to give up all for one girl.." he sighed then continued "If your fans find out, they'll be hell to pay not only for you but for us as well. Not only are you putting (Y/N) in danger with the saesang fans but her siblings as well."

"Don't worry. They won't find out!"


The boys entered their apartment, excited to see their beloved girlfriend and tell her the good news.

"Wow, I can't believe you guys risking your career for me."

All they could do was smile and nod. Right now (Y/N) was jobless and couldn't leave the apartment because 'fans' were gathered around the apartment building, still determined to get information about what was the case with Hoseok and (Y/N).

Jimin dove onto the couch with his arms wrapped around (Y/N)'s shoulders, finally getting some bonding time with her.

"Jimin... Do you know you have a nice ass? It's so round and just.. Ugh yes! Perfect!"

The man choked not expecting the girl to say that but a chuckle soon followed.

"Thanks... Tae thinks so too."



"Ummmmm.. okkaaayyyy~"

"Oh, I wanted to show you something," The Mochi said, pulling out his phone from his pocket.

"What is it..? It's not porn, right? I only read smut- I mean haha mmm uh PUPPIES!!"

"Oh my god, no no no! Why would I show it to you when we can make it ourselves~" She choked. "Anyways I wanted to get something for Taehyung and I was wondering if- isn't this Taehyung's pendant?"

The girl looked at Jimin's phone and scrunched her eyebrows, not believing what Jimin said.

"No... It's probably one that just looks like it..?"

"No! It is his! Look!" The young man zoomed in on the picture of the heart pendant and pointed at the 'VJ' that was engraved on it.

As if on cue, Taehyung peeked his head through the door.

"Look at this. Isn't this yours?" He showed Taehyung his phone.

"This has been missing but I didn't pay no mind to it... But why is it on eBay?" He asked confused.

"That's what I'm asking.."

"Did someone break into the apartment and steal it while you guys were away?" (Y/N) asked but they shook their heads no.

"Our apartment has tight security and surveillance cameras all around, it's impossible for someone to break in. And, we never left the building ever since you left us." Taehyung thought for a bit "That new bodyguard was the only one allowed to go in and out as she pleased.."

"What? But why would she do that? We have to tell the others to watch their back from that 'bodyguard'." Jimin said then called the others and told them what they thought of Ji-ah.



The next day, I was in the kitchen helping Jin make breakfast when he gently pushed me on the counter and trapped me between his arm. God... Those shoulders though...

"May I kiss you?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded my head in approval. The man wrapped one arm around my waist and then tilted my head to the side. After he locked his lips with mine then began graciously moving his lips. Jin gently bit down on my bottom lip and tugged onto it. He moved his hand that was on my cheek to the nape of my neck, sliding in his tongue. Something about doing this with him made my legs go numb. I placed my hands on his shoulder supporting myself from falling. I tugged onto his hair. I felt the hand that he had on my waist lower and went under my ass, without knowing it I was off the ground. Seokjin placed me on the counter with his lips still locked with mine and was now between my legs. The man began grinding with the same rhythm of the kiss. As things were getting heated, we heard the metal of the pot spoon hit the sides of the pot. I gently pushed Jin off to see who it was. Jimin was standing in front of the stove with a spoon in his hand stirring the food.

"Seems ready.." He muttered.

"Jimin, see what you did? You ruined Jin-hyung and (Y/N)'s moment" Namjoon said. I flicked my head to the direction where I heard RM and was shocked to see everyone sitting on their chairs. My face began turning all shades of red. I looked at Jin who still stood in the same position, looking unphased.

"Sorry I interrupted you... It's just if the food stayed on the fire for any longer, it would have burned... But you can just continue, okay~? I'm not looking!" The Mochi said, covering his eyes. Jin looked at the naive boy and sighed then went to him and ruffled his hair.

"You killed the mood, Jiminie.." He said in the sweetest voice he could utter at that moment.

"Umm... How long were you guys there?" I asked.

"Before Jin-hyung lifted you onto the counter."

I didn't think it was possible for my face to turn redder than how it was but somehow it managed.

"Right, you guys" Yoongi spoke out "You can't do something like this after today because Ji-ah is coming back from her short break. Watch your backs. Jimin, I'm looking at you. Don't be so naive."

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