32. 00:00

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Narrator's POV

Jungkook laid on his back, with his eyes closed.

"I'm sorry about this morning... I was just... Jealous... "

The girl just hummed. He slowly got off his bed and made his way to her's and sat at the edge.

"Mind telling me what happened?"

"That man.. He..is my father... "

"Wait... Isn't he supposed to be dead?!"

"Yeah, he is, but I don't know what happened."

"Did you actually saw his body the day the cops told you he was dead?"

"No.. He lied about his death.. " (Y/N) groaned then sat up, rubbing her head. "I need to talk to him. "

"I don't think that's a good idea... And how would you even find him? I mean, he can literally be anywhere in Seoul."

"True. Anyway, I'm tired. Good night." She said throwing her head back into the pillows. He was about to lay next to her until she spoke up. "I'm still mad at you, so, no."

"I'm sorry... "

She huffed and turned her back to him after fell asleep.


Everyone was in the dance studio, practicing their dance routine until one of the security guards walked in.

"Umm Ms. (L/N) there's someone outside claiming to be you're father.. "

The girl thanked him and swiftly walked outside. There he stood, with his and in his hands in his pocket. She cleared her throat gaining his attention.

"It's been a while, hasn't it, (Y/N). "

"How are you alive?"

"Waw, not even an 'It's nice to see you're doing well."

She scuffed, "Why would I say something that I clearly don't mean. It's a waste of my time and energy. Anyway, why all of a sudden you showed up in front of me? You're supposed to be dead."

"It's too crowded here." He said.

She walked near a staircase where no one was at.


"I see you've become famous, and with that fame comes great money. Give me 5 thousand. "

She scrunched her brows as she stared at the man in disbelief.

"You really came all the way to Seoul, to beg me for money which I'm never giving you? "

"Don't test me, little girl. " He said taking a step forward.

"Don't test me, old man. You don't scare me anymore! I know you won't do anything here!"

"Oh really?" He grabbed her hands

"Let go!" She shouted, trying to pull away from his grip.

"You began to hang around those pretty boys and now you're cocky. Let me teach you a lesson." With that said, the man pushed her down the stairs.

-At BTS-

The members decided to take a break after the woman of the group left. After a few minutes, Taehyung sighed loudly, ensuring that everyone in the room heard it.

"What's up with you?" Yoongi asked

"She's taking way too long.. "

"Well, it's her dad and I guess she hasn't seen him in a long time."

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