28. EGO

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Narrator's POV

After Jimin explained everything between him and Taehyung, he broke down in tears. After they decided to give Tae some space, he probably had a plan.. Hopefully. Hoseok took out his phone and checked Twitter, the first thing he saw was "#BRINGBACK(Y/N)" trending as number 1. People were literally sending money to bighit saying that they are paying for (Y/N) to come back.

Hoseok's POV

I logged on my fan account and created a tweet asking if (Y/N) should actually come back. He looked at the responses 10 minutes after.

'I think she should come back! I really like her!'

'If she doesn't come back I'm gonna kill somebody-- what?'

'If she can't join BTS, I think bighit should make her a solo artist or something because she's so talented!'

'I personally don't think she should join back... There will be a whole lot of rumors saying she's dating one of the members and she might actually get hurt'

I agreed with most of the ARMYs points, it made sense. Then I got an idea. I rushed into Namjoon's room, bursting the door open finding RM staring out the window and Jin-hyung..was..doing something very questionable.


The males turned their heads at me as I got closer to them and explained the plan which they agreed to.

We then called the others into the room and told them.


Narrator's POV

All the members including (Y/N) stood outside Hitman Bang's office ready to convince the man. They entered with high hopes.

"Manager, we want (Y/N) to join us again. Even ARMYs agreed." Jin spoke

"No, we already spoke about this. Now, if that's all you want to discuss, please make use of the door."

"We have a plan! And we refuse to leave until you accept." Jin said pulling blankets and pillows out of the bag which he hid behind him, then began giving the 7 members each a blanket and pillow. Everyone got themselves comfortable and stared at their manager with puppy dog eyes.


Hours passed and the manager hadn't listened to or was willing to accept it anyway, it was too risky.

"Jin-oppa, I'm hungry." (Y/N) said, almost a whisper.

"Ah yes, yes." He dug down in the back again and shared bowls of food to everyone. He looked at PD
"Want some?"

"What's the plan..?" The man asked annoyed as ever.

"FINALLY!" Jungkook jumped up.

"When (Y/N) joins back, we were thinking that there might be hate towards her and rumors about one of us dating her... So we were going to say was.."


The BTS members along with (Y/N) left the building with their chest puffed up, feeling proud of themselves. They entered the black van that was waiting to take them to get ready for their last concert in Seoul before leaving to go to LA.


It was finally time for them to go on stage to perform. Namjoon quickly pulled (Y/N) in a private room and gave her a quick kiss before running to the lift, leaving her backstage with the staff. The show went smoothly without any mistakes, or at least they weren't noticeable.

"ARMMYYYY!" Jin said into the mic with his cute voice which the fans responded with screams and shouting his name.
"We have something to tell you~"

Namjoon held his mic to his mouth and threw his arms over Jin's shoulders.
"Jin-Hyungie and I are actually in a relationship" which caused the crowd to scream.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD! YESS YESSS" They heard one person screamed loud enough for them to hear, which actually surprised them due to the loudness of the shouts.

"Woah- I didn't think you all would approve... That's why we hid our relationship.." Namjoon pouted.

"Awww! Well, since we're spilling the beans I guess there's no point on keeping mine a secret right? Me and Hoseok... Well, you know.." Yoongi said with a low voice, giving his gummy smile, shooting an arrow right into everyone's hearts.

"I'm with this mochi here~" Taehyung cooed, hugging Jimin from behind. The shorter boy gave a smile at the camera that passed in front of him, masking his anger for the other boy, trying to ruin their plan.

Jungkook was the only one who stood there without anyone as he scratches the back of this head, laughing a bit. The crowd began chatting Jungkook's name.

"Are you guys scared I'll get taken away? Well, don't worry... Haha... I hate to admit this but I'm actually scared of girls...BUT! I'm still young! I have a lot of time ahead of me! I thought (Y/N)-noona and I were going to be the only single people in the group but she got herself a girlfriend... WHY IS LIFE SO CRUEL!?" All the fans were shocked by hearing (Y/N) was actually a lesbian and was curious to see who was the girl. As if on cue (Y/N) walked out with a brown hair girl. It was Mi-so.


Before the van drove off a white limo pulled in front of it. Out came a girl waist-length hair, who walked to the vehicle. Everyone exited and bowed to her in respect, leaving (Y/N) confused. 'Why is everyone bowing to Mi-so?'

"Ah, right (Y/N) You did not know about her. This is Mi-so, she is one of hitman bang's daughters. She and her sister also provides us with most of our supplies." Namjoon explained.

"Heya~ It's nice to see you again everyone! You too (Y/N)." Everyone looked at (Y/N) in confusion. Did she meet Mi-so already? How?

"Yeah... I met her when I ran away if anyone was wondering... She was the person I stayed by for most of the time.."

"Dad told me the plan and I'm here to help. So basically I'm supposed to pretend to be her girlfriend so when she joins back there's no drama about her being with Jungkook." Mi-so explained "Oi! I'm 100% straight oka-" The girl was distracted by a woman who walked past swaying her hips "Woah... She's nice...ANYWAYS! As I was trying to say, I'm straight, I'm into men.."

"Mmhmm...sure you are," Ji-so said coming out the car.

End of Le Flashback

"Helloooo!" The older girl waved to the fans.

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