4. DNA

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Narrator's POV

After (Y/N) introduced herself, she ate with them and Jungkook showed her to the room she was going to sleep in. When he opened the door, she
stood there dumbfounded. There were two beds.

 There were two beds

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"Wait... I'm sharing the room with someone?" She asked.

"Oh right! I forgot to tell you! We're roommates from now on. Even when we go back to Seoul!" He told her.

'How am I supposed to share the same room with a boy without getting found out?' She thought.

"Oh.. I guess you wanted to share with Hoseok. Sadly, Yoongi snatched him before we even organized who's sharing with who."

"No! I'm not disappointed that we're sharing the same room. It's just this is my first time sleeping with someone that isn't my siblings." She lied. (Y/N) actually thought she was getting a room of her own so at least when she's in there, she can relax.

"You should put your clothes in the drawers for now, even though we'll be leaving in two days. I'll go take a bath."

After he left, she went to the drawer and empty out her small bag of clothing into it, making sure to put all her underwear at the very bottom. Before Jungkook came back in, she hid the picture of her, her mother, her father, and her brother as well as a separate photo of Mi-ran under the pillow of the bed she was going to sleep on then got dressed for bed. Kook came in with a towel wrapped around his tiny waist and one in his hand to dry his hair. She immediately turned away.

"I was wondering why is the bag with your clothes is so small? Yah! Look at me when I speak! It's rude not to."

"Ahem! You aren't dressed appropriately for me to look at you." She said.

"C'mon~ We're both men. Don't be shy~ This is how it'll be from now on." The boy said and then sighed. After about 2 minutes, he spoke again, "You can look now. Is it fine for you to answer my question now?"

She slowly turned to face him.

"Yes, and the reason is that I highly doubt I'll be wearing any of my old clothes to go out with you guys and besides, I hardly had any in the first place." She whispered the last part.

He hummed and jumped in bed.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Tomorrow, we're going out to celebrate on you making it into our group so wake up early!!"

Then he took off the lights with a remote control that was on his nightstand.

"G'night "

"Night night, sweet dreams"

Before she fell asleep, she thought about her siblings.
'I hope they're well.'

The Next Day.

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