{Lost and Found}

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"Perfect. Can you name anyone else?" She scanned the rest of their group to try and resurrect any clear names. She could only remember three more.

"I remember Carol, Carl, and Judith."

"That's good. Your long term memories seem unharmed. And you probably just remembered my name because it's really simple. Everyone else, you probably just met or they're part of your short term memories right now. But there's Sasha, Tyreese, Eugene, Abraham, Rosita, Tara, and....?" He pointed to the last of the unnamed group, apparently she was so new that nobody knew her name?

"Azolla Heaventree." The name clicked in her memories- ones from high school though not from any recent ones.

"Yeah, we went to high school together. Kind of an asshole back then, though." Her scowl quirked up into a smirk.

"That cannibal jackass didn't knock your sass out I see. Must have a thick skull."

"Average human skull isn't very thick actually, though women's are thicker with a 7.1 millimeter thickness compared to the male's 6.5 millimeters." Her spout of information seemed to put the others at ease while Azolla clenched her jaw in mild annoyance.

"Or that habit of spitting out random shit either."

"So's that mean she doesn't remember anything from the past few days?" Merle spoke as he looked to Bob with furrowed brows. His question made everyone else follow suit in staring down at him in silent questioning.

"More like the last few months if she isn't remembering Sasha or Tyreese. But it'll all come back, probably take a few weeks and it'll be in pieces but she'll remember everyone else too. For now let's get you on your feet, yeah?" Bob held his hand out for her to take as everyone who had been crowding around her stepped back to give her space to move. Eevee was on her feet for barely a few seconds before her knees caved and she stumbled forward with the momentum from standing. Daryl jumped forward to catch her and keep her from hitting the dirt.

"Ya good?"

"I thought I was. But apparently not." Bob gently nodded and stepped forward to lift an eyelid and check on her once more.

"That'll happen too. Also temporary but you'll be a little disoriented and have poor balance while your brain tries to recover from the mild trauma it suffered. Best to keep off your feet so you don't fall and hurt yourself more." Daryl firmly nodded and easily shifted the small woman around so she clung to his back with a small squeak.

"Jesus fucking Christ this is tall." Her words made everyone smirk and chuckle- even Carl who was one of the youngest in their group but still taller than she was on her own. Besides Judith, Eevee was the smallest of their group. "How do you people live like this?"

"Just like you do, munchkin." The red haired man- Abraham?- teased with a smirk as the group prepared to put distance between them and the ruins of Terminus. Thankfully she wasn't out for too long so they still had a good chunk of daylight left. Most of their walk was in comfortable silence, Eevee taking that time to start organizing her older memories that framed her missing ones.

The last thing she remembered was a sickness sweeping through their people like the new plague. The sick were put on death row of their prison home while the children and elderly were moved to a separated administrations building since they were the most susceptible. She remembered Daryl and the newer people she was supposed to remember leaving for medicine and coming back successful. But after that everything was gone.

"Ya good back there?" The Dixon's rumbling voice gently vibrated her chest as he spoke and peeked back at her over his shoulder. He figured that since she was being quiet that she was probably trying to recall the lost memories as fast as possible. Eevee hated not knowing and he knew that this whole loss of memory would only agitate that about her.

Flip Side {Daryl Dixon}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang