"Wow. You okay?" Somebody must have burnt his toast during breakfast for him to be this sarcastic. I used to drag him to school on a daily basis before deciding it's not worth the energy to do so. Strangely enough, the reverse psychology works. He's been attending to classes dutifully to get his grades but he still hates school. A lot. 

"No no no. I mean it. I couldn't be more glad. It's just that my mum has been making a big fuss out of Andrew's wedding. She had me tasted twenty different flavors of wedding cakes at the bakery yesterday! Twenty!" He exclaimed with his eyes wide opened. He took out a few books out of his locker grumpily, "I haven't feel sick yet so to answer your question: I'm okay." I chuckled and shook my head at his funny reaction.


I turned my head and saw...


My lips went dry instantly. She stood right in front of me in an over-sized pink sweater and grey leggings with her blonde hair cascading down her scalp in waves like a golden waterfall. I know her hair is more to a light strawberry blonde. But when the rays of sunlight falls onto her, an ethereal halo seems to crown her head, coloring her hair to gold. Those eyes. Those alluring hues of grey. I could have get lost in them blissfully forever. 

Her cheeks were flushed with a rosy tint. I snapped out of my lovestruck trance. I must have weirded her out with my silence. Get a grip on yourself, Levi. "We need to talk," her eyes were fixed on me as she said in a strained but firm voice. I have to mentally hold myself back from hugging her like an adorable puppy. Even though I'm half a head taller than her, something about her aura tell me that she's not the kind to be messed with. Which is exactly what I had done last weekend. I bit my lips guiltily. 

I forced a smile. "Yea, sure." Justin eyed between the both of us curiously, but remaining silent. "I'll see you in class, dude. Save a place for me," I punched Justin's arm gently, hoping that he'll take up the hint and leave both of us alone. "Aite, see ya!" He threw me a confused look before running off to class with his books. 

"Come on," Brooke said urgently, her gaze darting our surroundings nervously. Taking hold of my hand, she pulled me into a dimly lit janitor's closet. She locked the door behind her and leaned against it. Despite being surprised, I couldn't help but tease her a little. "Well well well. Guess you're taking control again huh?" 

She ignored my teasing and spoke in a serious tone. "Okay. Levi. I was pretty drunk at the party last weekend and I couldn't remember what I had done. So I'm gonna ask you this one embarrassing question because I do remember kissing you." Heat flooded my cheeks as vivid images of her kissing me flashed in my mind. She took a deep breath as if steeling her nerves; and asked...

"Did we go all the way?"

I was dumbfounded. My mind was blank. I frowned. "No. We didn't. Why do you ask that? Is that what you've been thinking over the weekend?" I spoke in an equally serious tone as I took a step closer to her. As ridiculous as her question is; I don't want her to think that I'm not taking her seriously, even though I admit that it's a pretty funny one. I wouldn't have taken advantage of a wasted stranger in a party no matter what. 

"What did I do then? What did you do then?" Again, she ignored my previous questions. She eyed me with distrust...not that I could blame her. "You slept. Literally collapsed on me and fell asleep. And I slept beside you. That's it," I replied honestly. I didn't tell her that I had been watching her sleeping though. She would think that I'm a creepy potential murderer.  She stayed silent for a few moments. 

"Why did you...leave me then?" 


AHHHHHH FINALLY ANOTHER UPDATE!!! Exams are officially starting and my stress level just skyrocketed through the roof. Hope I can get through it! Love y'all!  ❤

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