Y/n, not wanting Monika to get harmed, moved in front of her, taking the job of point man. They could still hear terrorists shooting at the other three. It seemed that all of the bullets had either missed or be absorbed by the riot shield.

Y/n, seeing a terrorist in the construction room shooting at Bandit outside, swiftly and quietly ran up to the white mask and slit his throat with his KABAR. Bandit gives Y/n a thumbs up from outside.

Y/n POV:

For my first operation, this is going pretty well so far. No has has been shot, and I haven't been seen yet.

Monika- I'm going to go into the bedroom with the hostage. It's right across the hallway. Stick with me."

Monika cooks a grenade and throws it at the barricade over the door, blowing it into pieces. Y/n shoots both terrorists inside of the room whilst Monika reequips her Aug.

Monika- No one's in the bathroom. Seems clear. Lets move in. You cut the hostage loose. I'll stick behind you."

Y/n- Got it.

Y/n goes over and begins to untie the hostage, telling her that we are the good guys and that we are here to save her. Monika watches the hallway and communicates with the others who were clearing out the basement and main floor. As Y/n finishes cutting the ropes on the hostage, he hears something in the closet, and then a barrel pokes out. A white mask had hid in the closet, and now he was aiming at Monika, about to pull the trigger from behind her back. She was oblivious.

Y/n screams "MONIKA!" throws his knife at the terrorist, and shoves Monika out of the way. BOOOM!" Monika grunted as she was pushed by Y/n, and the terrorists bullet went straight in through Y/n's armor on his chest, but never went through his other side. Y/n's chest seemed to begin erupting with blood. Everything slowed down. Y/n's vision began going black. He could see Monika shooting the terrorist who already had the knife in him and then crying next to his body trying to stop the bleeding. The last thing that he could remember before he blacked out was Monika kissing him while she sadly weeped.


I woke up on in a medical cot dressed in a white nightgown. I had a searing pain right above my left pec. I pulled up my nightgown to see a large dressing wrapped around an area that was stained red. I guess I got shot right above my left nipple. Great.

Where is Monika? I need to see her. I hope she's ok. I pulled out my IV and pulled out all of the plug thingies connected to me. I very painfully walked out of the room over to the door and slowly opened it.

I saw Monika sitting there, crying into Dominic's lap. When Dominic saw me he was shocked with awe. He rubbed Monika on the back and told her to look up. Wiping back tears, she held up her face and saw my unshaven, tired face weakly smiling at her.

Monika, running over quickly and giving Y/n a massive hug, crying tears of joy- I didn't think you were going to make it.

Y/n, laughing weakly- Well, I'm here now, aren't I? What happened after I got shot?"

Dominic- Monika must've killed the guy who shot you, then she just cried over your body and did nothing. By the time we got to her we had killed all of the terrorists, and we got the hostage out. Then you got medvac'd back to Hereford, so you're in the base infirmary. I guess Gustave kept you alive. You are sooo fucking lucky Monika wrapped you up. You would've bled out so quickly, because that stuff was gushing so fast I thought you might've been a hemophiliac.

Monika, punching Dominic in the shoulder- Hey! He got shot 8 hours ago! He could've died! You don't need to tell him what happened in excruciating details.

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