Zach Sang Show

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[Zach] Yo

[Zayn] Yo Z

[Zach] Yo Zayn, what's going on brother?

Static noises are heard.

[Zayn] How are you doing, bro?

Static noises are heard again.

[Zach] Dude I'm chillin' man, I can barely hear you

[Zayn] Can you hear me a bit better now?

[Zach] Yeah, you sound beautiful dude

[Zayn] Thank you man [laughs]

[Zach] How you feeling?

[Zayn] I'm feeling great, yeah, how you feeling?

[Zach] I'm good man, I've been listening to Icarus Falls on repeat and it's-it's a groove dude

[Zayn] Yeah? You like it? Thank you, I appreciate that

[Zach] It's smooth and prepare yourself because I'm going to fangirl so hard, this is honestly such a great album

Zayn laughs.

[Zayn] Favorite song?

[Zach] Man, I can't choose a song, they're all amazing to me

[Zayn] Alright, alright

[Zach] How did this album come about?

[Zayn] How did it come about? Inspiration from different things, I guess

[Zach] This album is just smashing the charts

[Zayn] That's exciting because this album is for my fans, they're the ones who are smashing it

[Zach] They love it, they really do, I mean like people are really vibing with it

[Zayn] That's nice really because I made it for my fans

[Zach] I want to dive in into the creativity of this, did it start with production, did it start with lyrics, when you went into the studio did you have an idea because some songs are connected, right?

[Zayn] Some songs yeah, they do connect a bit

[Zach] Is this album based in your reality, is it from your reality?

[Zayn] Kind of, not really, it's-it's, like a, like a-

Zach laughs.

[Zach] Can't get the words out?

Zayn laughs.

[Zach] So this record right now, how do you feel that you finally let your music out into the world? Do you feel relief? Do you feel a little stressed?

[Zayn] No, I feel great, I feel massively confident, really excited that my fans finally have it, I'm not stressed at all, I'm wicked

[Zach] Can we talk about the song, There You Are? You confirmed that Harry Styles does the background vocals in the song, why did you let him?

[Zayn] Why not?

[Zach] He sounds great, I mean yeah, I didn't know if there's any more specific reasons but I guess that works

[Zayn] Yeah

[Zach] Okay, you wrote this album, right? Are you alone when you write these songs? Because they feel so personal, so vivid, I can see the lyrics come to life in my head

[Zayn] Well, that's-that's a good thing, that's what we're trying to achieve, I guess the beauty of writing your own songs is the fact that you could, you know really connect with each word and make it visual for the listener and converse, that's something that we tried to do with this record and if you're feeling that then I guess it's working

[Zach] The record is full of songs about loving someone and them being the one for you

[Zayn] Yeah, yeah

[Zach] Have you found the one? The one that your songs represent? That rock, that best friend?

[Zayn] Are you trying to bring up someone without actually bringing them up?

[Zach] No, unless you give me permission to do so

[Zayn] Knock yourself out [laughs]

[Zach] Harry Styles

Zayn giggles.

[Zach] Are you guys dating or?

[Zayn] We're just vibing right now

[Zach] It seems like he's a big part of your life now, yeah?

[Zayn] Oh, yeah, yeah, he is, we've had long deep conversations in the middle of the night about everything that's going on

[Zach] You've known him for just a few months, right?

[Zayn] Yeah, yeah, but time has nothing to do with the connection you get when you're with someone, there's so many things that I've told him that I would never trust anyone else with

[Zach] You guys got a great connection?

[Zayn] Yeah, the thing I like best is that I know he's really listening to me and cares, he's there for me no matter what

[Zach] What is Harry to you?

[Zayn] Harry's my rock

[Zach] Is Harry the one?

[Zayn] It's too soon to tell at the moment but I do think about it at times, what if he is the one? If I rush into anything, if I damage him, then it's always gonna be damaged, it's really hard to fix wounds like that, it's so hard, I just don't want to hurt him

[Zach] Wow

Zayn laughs.

[Zach] The way you talk about him is beautiful

[Zayn] I'm speaking the truth, he is special, I cherish him

[Zach] This was a great way to end the interview, thank you Zayn

[Zayn] Yeah, yeah, thank you Zach

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