BBC Radio 1

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[Scott] This is Scott Mills on BBC Radio 1 doing a phone interview with none other than Zayn

[Zayn] 'Ello vas happenin'

[Scott] How you doing?

[Zayn] I'm doing good bro, how are you?

[Scott] I'm doing good man.. um so where are you at the moment? What can you see around you? Where are you?

[Zayn] I.. I'm currently in New York in my apartment just chillin' at home

[Scott] Is that where you base yourself now then?

[Zayn] Eh.. I'm back and forth to be honest, I.. um like I spend a bit of time in the UK and then I go to LA and I kinda spend some time here as well

[Scott] And you got a place in all three areas, please say yeah

[Zayn] I.. yeah [laughs]

[Scott] Yes! Do you find as well when you do travel around a little bit and you go onto Netflix um the different things that you can watch on different areas, I'm kind of intrigued what you loving at the moment?

[Zayn] I watch a lot of documentaries if I'm honest

[Scott] Do you get much time to do all that though?

[Zayn] Uh.. I.. yeah I try to fit it in whatever I'm doing whether that be in the studio or just working on a photo shoot so doing this so doing that so yeah I mean I definitely have a bit of time for Netflix.. I think everybody has time for that

[Scott] Do you know what I find confusing if I had like three homes; one in London, one in New York and one in LA, I'd be going home thinking I've got milk in the fridge and then you realize no that's in the LA home or in London

[Zayn] Yeah that is a bit of problem sometimes you turned up from my fridges like underground things living in there that been there too long, it's a bit of an event but yeah it's definitely a small price to pay I guess you know

[Scott] Also must be insane if you forget your keys as well as going back to get the keys is a real drama for you, right?

[Zayn] Uhh.. yeah [laughs]

[Scott] This is your first interview since you started releasing new songs for your upcoming second album, right?

[Zayn] Yeah.. yeah

[Scott] You've released four songs and 3 music videos as of now right?

[Zayn] Yeah.. the songs are Let Me, Entertainer, Sour Diesel and Too Much, the videos are only for Let Me, Entertainer and Sour Diesel

[Scott] You've been working very hard and surprising your fans by just dropping music.. no promo

[Zayn] Yeah.. yeah I have, it's just fun to watch them all blow up

[Scott] [laughs] You love messing with them?

[Zayn] Yeah.. yeah

[Scott] I got to know is your song Let Me about your girlfriend Gigi?

[Zayn] Yeah.. I guess you can say that.. yeah

[Scott] [laughs] Alright, we're going to play the new track now, do you wanna introduce it for us?

[Zayn] Yeah man, coming up next is my new song Too Much featuring Timbaland


[Scott] That was Zayn's new song Too Much featuring Timbaland, Zayn is still on the phone with us so Zayn when writing your songs, what's your mind set?

[Zayn] My mind set? Um.. well it's just experience man, writing down whatever you're holding on or the feelings you would like to share with the world

[Scott] Man that sounds amazing that you write from experiences in your life

[Zayn] I like to stay true to my fans

[Scott] Honestly man, you're so great, I would like to have a drink with you

[Zayn] I would like to have a drink with you too just come over man and we'll have a drink

[Scott] Alright well is this a pop star promise or what?

[Zayn] No, this isn't a pop star promise, I'm a real person, I'm not a pop star

[Scott] That is true in my experiences with you that can actually happen

[Zayn] Yeah we can go get a drink

[Scott] Alright, where are we going? One thing I have to say is that I won't go abroad so London is off the table

[Zayn] Well then I guess either LA or New York

[Scott] Alright.. you collaborated with Timbaland for your new song Too Much and how was that like?

[Zayn] Yes, I did and that was great, I love that song, it was great yeah

[Scott] I got to ask this, have you heard all the rumors about the song?

[Zayn] [laughs] Uh.. I.. yeah man, I have

[Scott] I won't press you to say anything about it, I just wanted to know if you've heard them

[Zayn] Thanks bro, I really appreciate it

[Scott] No problem.. anyways is there anyone you'd like to collaborate with?

[Zayn] I.. yeah.. I know there's a feature with Nicki Minaj somewhere

[Scott] Wow that's amazing sounds amazing

[Zayn] Yeah man, I always wanted to work with her

[Scott] Are you going to be releasing more songs?

[Zayn] I might.. I don't know yet

[Scott] If you do make sure to let me know

[Zayn] Yeah.. yeah for sure

[Scott] I also saw your latest picture and the top of your hair is pink, is that right?

[Zayn] Yeah.. it's just a bit of experimenting [laughs]

[Scott] I don't think I'll ever be able to rock dyed hair [laughs]

[Zayn] [laughs]

[Scott] You also got 30.5 million followers on Instagram but you only follow 27 people, what do we have to do to get a follow from you?

[Zayn] [laughs] I.. uh.. I don't know.. I don't really go on there for the follows or likes is just for me to post pictures like a diary.. a picture diary for myself you know what I mean

[Scott] Yeah.. yeah but what people want to know is how to impress you for a follow

[Zayn] If this is another one of them things of you trying to be sly I can always follow you Scott if you want

[Scott] Alright.. yeah.. I was just getting into that it's real scott mills on Instagram there Zayn so click away

[Zayn] Yeah I'll get around to that

[Scott] Yeah whatever sure like both things are real, going for a drink and getting a follow from you

[Zayn] Yeah man both things are real.. you know me.. promise

[Scott] Alright man so this concludes our interview with Zayn, it was great having you here

[Zayn] Yeah it was great, see you man

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