9 - Fight Me (Hospital AU - Part One)

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Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, just the plot. Thank you for reading, my lovelies! I hope you enjoy the chapter! <3
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I just found the picture and used it because he was sick, so, yeah.
Sorry if this chapter isn't exactly accurate, but I didn't bother doing my research before writing it. Feel free to correct me at any point, just not, you know, rudely.



Yeah, that was definitely a dumb thing to do. But how was I supposed to know you could get pneumonia by trying to inhale water? Yes, it was just a dare and I shouldn't have risked my life like that, but to be fair, I didn't know I could die from that. Don't ask why.

Anyway, I was stuck in the hospital. How fun. I was miserable, stuck up in that hospital room like Mrs. O'Leary when we go away. I've made the non-executive decision to never entrap her like that again.

So, I was miserable. I pilled all three of the blankets my mom had brought me on top of my entire body, along with all six of my pillows. It was a cocoon of shame. On the bright side to all of this, though, I had a great nurse.

Her name was Annabeth, and she was adamant I call her only that and no other form of her name. She didn't respond to Annie, Anna, Beth, or anything of the like, besides Annabeth. Her hair was usually in a ponytail, a strand or two of the golden princess curls falling into her face. Her eyes were... I know in lots of stories where one person is describing the other person's eyes, they say it like: "Her eyes weren't just any regular blue. They were the color of the blue morpho's wings, or the ocean on a clear day. They were the color of a gas fire, or a peacock's feathers." Something extra like that. I'm not gonna do that. 

Her eyes were grey. They were grey, but not... boring grey. They were like... the sky just before a storm. I suppose that's doing the thing, in a way, but there's no other way to describe them. They were like storm clouds trapped in her iris's. To say the least, they were beautiful.

Besides being beautiful, she was a pretty dope nurse. She got me ice chips, fixed my pillows, changed the channel for me even though I'd only asked her to hand me the remote. I mean, she was better than the first nurse they gave me. That lady, Becky, I think, was single-handedly the most obnoxious and uncaring person I'd ever met. She literally ignored me when I couldn't breathe and made loud choking noises. She just looked at me, unimpressed, and turned back to the TV. Thank gosh I unknowingly pressed the call button, or else I could've died. Annabeth was the nurse who came in, so I guess I owe her my life. 

And let me tell you, she hates people owing her.

I don't know why, because if you're a nurse, you're technically helping save lives all the time, but that was only one thing unusual about Annabeth.



Let me just say, nursing is definitely not as easy as it sounds. Although, for all the hardships it presents, there are definitely good things that come with it as well.

Like, for instance, a certain black haired, blue eyed boy.

His eyes weren't blue, per se. They were more teal, a mix of green and blue. I saw his mother describe them as see-green on his forms.

He was kind of an idiot (I mean, what kind of person tries to inhale water?), but also quite endearing. When I read his files, I was a bit worried about what kind of person I was going to be dealing with, but almost immediately after I met him, I realized I had nothing to worry about. Even though he did something quite stupid, he was smart, and caring, and, I hate to say it, but he was kinda hot. He was also extremely flirtatious, but just towards me, which I suppose is a good thing. 

Anyway, I was walking past Percy's room one day, where his nurse, Becky, was sitting with him, watching TV. I only glimpsed into the room, saw they were both fine, and continued on my way to another patient. On my way back however, I noticed something was wrong. Percy seemed distraught. I didn't know what was going on, but I ran into the room, where he was having trouble breathing. I sat him up, and Piper, my friend and co-worker, brought in the machine that would drain his lungs. We drained the water, helped him back into a comfortable position, yada, yada, yada, all while Becky sat there, looking on. I didn't tell anyone, but technically, I'm the reason she got fired. Don't even get me started on that woman. This wasn't the first time I'd witnessed her almost let a patient die.

If you know me, you know I hate people owing me stuff. I know, I know, I'm a nurse, I should probably get used to it, but I have a problem with it. I don't know why, I just don't like the feeling of it. And I hate owing people myself even more. Yes, I have trust issues, although I'm not really sure where or why I developed them. It's something I've had since I was young, and sometimes with specific people. My step mother, even though she's one of the nicest people I've met, my old professor, Dr. Thorn, for literally no reason, and my roommate's boyfriend, Luke, even though he almost cried after kicking his little sister in the shin once, accidentally. Even though with Percy, I feel like I've known him for ages, I still hate that he owes me something. I've tried to tell him he doesn't need to do anything special, but he's very keen not to listen. He made him mother buy me chocolates, which, albeit a bit weird to be receiving them from Ms. Jackson, sweet on his part. And nice on hers.

So, that's our history. I'd been Percy's nurse since the day Becky got fired, and everything had been just fine, nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, Percy was ready to go home within the next day, or so.

I walked into his hospital room, where I found him cocooned, as he liked to call it, inside all of the pillows and blankets the hospital and his mother had provided him with. He seemed particularly upset with himself, as he refused to come out from under the blankets.

"Percy," I called. "I need to check your vitals."

I got only a muffled response.

I moved forward and adjusted the pillows so I could hear him. "That's better. Why don't you say that again?"

"Do I have to come out?"

I chuckled, while looking at his heart rate. "No, not necessarily, but it would be easier if you did..."

"Fight me."

I laughed, moved the pillow back where he had it and said "Maybe later."

Once I finished checking his vitals, I slipped a note through his pillow fort, right where I knew his head was.


Sorry guys! You'll have to wait for part two (there may be a part three, we'll see). Huh, it kinda went off track a bit, but, oh well. It made the chapter longer, at least!

About the next chapter:
- When it may be up: Between the 7th and the 12th, after the 22nd
- When it definitely will not be up: Between the 2nd (today) and the 7th, between the 13th and the 22nd

Thank you for being so patient! I love you all. <3

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