" Milan? Babe? Are you alright?" Christian asked 

"Mmhm" I nod holding my hand to my chest 

" Milan? Are you ok?" He asked again 

" Yes...I'm fine" 

I stand for a minute waiting to both catch my breath and let the palpitations pass, but they wouldn't subside. I continued standing, and soon my surrounding felt like they were spinning and before I knew it darkness had consumed me. 


I fluttered my eyes opened and found myself in a hospital bed with an IV in my arm. My head was aching and my chest was still sore. I opened my eyes to see Christian and Katherine speaking to the doctors outside the room. Soon they both walked in with Katherine following behind. 

" Hello Milan, I'm Dr. White and I'm the Obstetrician-gynecologist on this floor how are you feeling?" She asked 

" I'm feeling fine... did you say obstetrician-gynecologist?" I asked confused 

" Yes, you were brought here by your Fiance and a group of doctors because you fainted," She said 

" If I fainted why am I on this floor and not the ER floor or ICU floor?" I asked again 

" You fainted because you're three months pregnant," She informed  

" I'm what?" I asked dumbfounded 

" We're having babies" Christian beamed 


" Your having twins!" Katherine squealed 


" Our babies" Christian smiled placing his hand on my belly 

" Christian you got me pregnant!" I began crying 

"You're not happy?" He asked worried 

" Of course I am...now I have to push two big-headed babies out of my vagina because of you" I sobbed  

" Would you all like to see a sonogram?" Dr. White asks 

" Yes" I whispered 

She lifted my shirt and deposited the ultrasound fluid on my belly and began the ultrasound. She moved the device in circular motions and after fifteen minutes, a picture of the twins had shown up on the screen. They were well developed. I could see their heads and tiny little buttocks. At this point, Christian, myself, and Katherine were all crying and beaming like children. They were beautiful, and even though I had just been told I was pregnant I already felt an instant motherly bond. 

" Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" The doctor asks 

" Yes!" We said in unison 

She zoomed in on the screen and turned on the volume. The heart of my two babies was like music to my ears. Their heartbeats were mighty strong and filled with harmony, and it instantly brought me to tears. 

" Christian" I called wiping my tears 

"They're so beautiful, we made that" He cried kissing my lips 

The Doctor and the Millionaire (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now