" I have to do this"

" Elyan!" Arthur shouted as Elyan ran off.

From in her room, Aria heard her brother's voice somewhere else in the tower and she smiled through her tears in relief. She was finally getting out of there.


When Arthur, the other knights and Merlin caught up with Elyan, they found him and a crying Gwen on the floor. Elyan's eyes were closed and he wasn't breathing. He had fought a sword enchanted to protect Gwen and it wounded him.

Arthur rushed to his wife while the others just stood in the doorway shocked. Merlin suddenly remembered Mab's words. One of them wouldn't return to Camelot. Elyan was that one.

Arthur hugged Gwen close as she cried into his shoulder.

" Gwen, where is Aria?" Arthur asked pulling back from the hug slightly.

"M-Morgana put her in, a-another room" Gwen hiccuped " S-Somewhere further up the t-tower"

Hearing those words, Mordred was off like a rocket out of the room and up the stairs. The others watching him go.

" Aria?!" Mordred called out as he climbed the stairs

A muffled voice cried back from further up the stairs." Mordred?!"

Mordred quickly ran towards the voice calling out to Aria. He eventually found the room Aria was locked in and used his magic to open the door.

Mordred didn't even step into the room when Aria launched herself into his arms crying tears of happiness and relief.

"Aria!" Mordred sighed in relief happy to be holding her again. Mordred then kissed her passionately. Aria returned the kiss and held Mordred close, in fear that this was just a trick and that Mordred wasn't really there.

Pulling back Mordred got a good look at Aria. She was a mess. Her hair was messy and tangled even though she had tried countless times to tidy it up. She was still in her chainmail and cloak from the day she was taken but she didn't have her sword or bow and arrows with her as she had left them on her horse.

"Let's get you out of here" Mordred smiled. Aria smiled back and she began crying tears of joy. Mordred held out his hand to Aria who happily took it and the young couple ran back down the stairs to meet up with everyone else.


" Aria!"Gwaine yelled as he caught sight of Aria and Mordred coming down the stairs

The knights and Merlin turned to look and they all smiled. Happy and relieved to see the young princess safe. They all took turns given her a hug before Aria noticed that two people were missing.

" Where's Arthur and Elyan?" She asked

Everyone's smiles dropped and Aria noticed.

" Where are they?" Aria asked again worried.

They knights parted to leave a path to the door and Aria ran into the room to see Gwen on the floor crying into Arthur's arms as Elyan lay beside them. Dead.

Aria imminently burst into tears at the loss of her friend and she rushed to her brother on the floor as he turned to face her.

Arthur let go of Gwen for a moment to hug his sister tightly. Sighing in relief. " Aria. Thank God you're alright"

Aria was still crying tears of both happiness to see her brother again but also sadness for Elyan's death.


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