Chapter 12

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❥ Rose's POV -

I finished the 8am lecture. At this point it was 10am.

This was the only lecture of the day and I have no other plans. So I decide to text Shawn.


to Shawn

Hey you busy?

from Shawn

nah not really

to Shawn

wanna go out and do something?

from Shawn

I'd love to! Pick u up in 30?

to Shawn



I put on a cute little yellow dress and white nike sneakers. I wanted to look cute for Shawn, since our little incident last night i don't really know where we stood.

He was about to kiss me.

I go down the elevator and see Shawn's white tesla outside and walk over to it.

I see him eyeing me up and down as i open the door and hop it.

"you look cute" Shawn said, smiling.


We listen to music and chat about my school stuff for the ride in the car. We then stop at a cinema.

"movie?" i quesioned.

"Yep! You like horror?"

"Yeah horror's alright" I say looking down

"Really? you don't sound too sure" He places his hand on my chin to lift my head up.

"Nah it's fine. Just a little scary"

"Ahhh you'll be fine" he grabs my hand gently and we walk inside.

I'm HATE horror.

"2 tickets for 'man of the dead' please" Shawn asks the counter politely.

Man of the dead...?

I try to hide the fact I'm scared of out my ass right now.

Shawn gets the tickets and we link hands while we walk into the cinema.

We sit in the dark cinema, my heart racing with fear. We chat for a bit before the lights go completely off and the movie starts.

"So exciting!" Shawn whispers to me

"Yeah" I reply trying to hide my fear of fucking horror movies.

I can't believe I was doing this.

It's been 15 minutes into the movie and I've been able to stay calm as nothing too scary as happened yet.

My hands were sweating as a jump scare scene looked as if it was about to happen. Then suddenly the faceless man jumps up on the screen.

I scream and cover my face. I feel Shawn's arm around me moving me towards his chest.

"Hey hey it's ok. Is this too scary for you?" He whispers in my ear.

"A little" my eyes were shut tight.

Shawn hugs me tightly and holds me for the rest of the movie.

The movie finally ends and I didn't actually mind since I was in Shawn's arms the whole time. I felt protected.

The credits start showing and I look up to Shawn while I was still in his arms. People were just getting up to leave.

He looks down to me and I feel him getting closer.

Our faces were 1cm apart and my heart was racing. I could feel his warm breathe breathing.

He was staring at my lips and I was doing the same. He leans in slowly and our lips attach.

His lips were soft and the kiss was short. But sweet.

I've never kissed a boy before.

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