Chapter 10

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❥ Rose's POV -

My stomach fills with butterflies and i look down to his lips. There so perfectly pink and look so soft. I all of a sudden have this sudden urge to kiss him.

Just at that moment Shawn leans in slowly and the door to my dorm room opens.

Shawn jumps a little in surprise and i look over to see my roommate standing there, leaning on his side looking at us.

This couldn't be worse timing.

"I was just heading to go take a shower" he says and pushes right in between us, walking to the bathroom.

"What's his problem?" Shawn says a little annoyed.

"i don't know, his been like that ever since i moved in yesterday. I don't even know his name yet."

"Well, i hope you get along. He is your roommate after all."

"Yeah. Anyway i should get to bed it's pretty late, thank you again for everything. Bye Shawn." I say walking into my dorm.

"Bye Rose. Text me." Shawn says and gives me a smirk.

I giggle and close the door. My heart fills with joy. This may of just been the worse and best day of my life.


I roll over and look at the time. 1am. School started tomorrow so i really needed to get some sleep. My roommates still not back. Is he seriously out partying tonight? Ah i hate people like this.

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

I wake up to banging sounds on the door coming from outside the dorm. Wtf is happening. Why do i always wake up to banging in this dorm. I hear moans as the banging get's louder.

Jesus was my roommate having sex right outside the dorm? I felt sick to my stomach. I try to cover up the sound by grabbing earphones and blasting some music but for some reason i could still hear the banging sounds.

After a while it stops and i hear whispering before the door opens and my roommate walks in and hops into bed.

I try to fall asleep but i'm honestly traumatised.

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