Chapter 9

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❥ Rose's POV -

I feel someone rubbing my hand. I open my eyes to Shawn looking down at me, worried.

He notices i'm awake and he let's go of my hand and stands up looking embarrassed.

"Hey she's awake" he calls out to the nurse.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

"You had an anxiety attack Rose." he says with a concerned tone.

Oh no. Not again. I wanted a fresh start away from my mental health issues to live a happy, free life. But no, no matter where i am my depression and anxiety always follows.

The nurse give me some medication and tell me i'm free to leave whenever as long as i take the medication at least twice a day i should be fine.

Shawn sits back down and grabs my hand rubbing it gently.

His warm touch warms my heart.

He looks me deeply in my eyes with a soft, comforting smile and i smile back.

We sit in silence for what feels like hours but was only like 1 minute.

Shawn helps me up and we walk out of the hospital in silence.

"I'm going to call a taxi" I say to Shawn, breaking the silence.

"No way. I'm driving you back." Shawn replied immediately.

"It's too far, plus it's late don't you need to eat dinner?"

"Well what were you planning on eating tonight?"

"Uh i wasn't....." i say quietly looking to the floor.

Shawn places his hand under my chin and lifts my head up gently.

"There's this nice Italian restaurant down the street, let's go eat pizza!" he says a bit too excitedly which makes me giggle.

"Okay sure" I agree and we walk down the street side by side.

"So i'm sorry to bring it up but i kinda have to know." I knew he was going to ask and i knew that i have to answer truthfully, i can't lie. Not again. It would be just easier to tell the truth.

"I- I - I have anxiety and i've been suffering from depression for years" I stumble on my words. My lip starts quivering as i can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.

Shawn looks at me concerned and wipes a tear away that was falling down my cheek.

"What happened?" He asks. His voice soft and gentle like he genuinely cared. No one has ever cared as much as he has.

"My step- step-" My heart starts to race and i feel weak once again. I almost fall to the floor and breakdown in tears.

Shawn catches me and i land in his arms sitting on the street walkway. He rubs my back and comforts me in words like

"It's okay i'm here."

"Don't worry I'll help you through this."

His words make me feel so much better and i start to calm down a little.

"Thank you Shawn" i reply, my voice hardly hearable.

Shawn stands up and reaches for my hand and helps me up. We hold hands the rest of the way to the restaurant in a comfortable silence.

Once we arrive we get a table and we order a Margherita Pizza together.

"We don't have to talk about it Rose it's okay" Shawn says softly.

"Thank you" i reply quietly, looking down playing with my fingers.

The rest of the night went swiftly. Shawn didn't bring up the whole anxiety attack thing again and we chatted about random things like movies we liked, celebrities Shawn were friends with and other fun topics while we ate out pizza.

After the dinner Shawn drives me back to my uni while we sing and dance along to songs on the radio. I hear glimpses of Shawn's incredible voice and it feels me with comfort and happiness.

We walk hand in hand all the way back to my dorm room.

"Thank you for tonight. I honestly can't thank you enough" I say to looking up to Shawn.

"It's my pleasure Rose" Shawn says looking down at me.

I can't keep my eyes off his beautiful brown soft eyes. We stare at each other for a while and i can feel Shawn looking down at my lips.

My stomach fills with butterflies and i look down to his lips. There so perfectly pink and look so soft. I all of a sudden have this sudden urge to kiss him.

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