Chapter 3

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❥ Rose's POV -

Aisle 4, Aisle 5, Aisle 6, Aisle 7! I look at my ticket and see i have a window seat. Yes! there my favourite. I love looking out the window as the plane takes off and seeing how high up in the sky i am. It's always been one of my favourite feelings in the world.

I sit down and put in my earphones, listening to Queen's "Don't Stop Me Now".

After a few minutes i close my eyes and just have a small rest, it's been a long day and it's only 9am. I feel someone sit down next to me so i open my eyes to see the most gorgeous man i think i've ever seen in my life. His face structured perfectly, white gleaming skin with rosy cheeks and the cutest pink soft lips i've ever seen.

I get caught staring as he turns around and we make eye contact. I blush from embarrassment and he smiles. The most gleaming and soft smile ever.

"Hey" he says softly. His voice sounds tired, well actually exhausted. Now that i take a better look he does seem to look really tired.

"Hey my names Rose" i reply.

He nods with a smile and pulls down his hoodie to reveal his brown curly locks. They look ridiculously soft and he now looks even better than before. How is that possible.

I waited for him to reply telling me his name but after a few seconds he took out his phone and started scrolling through Instagram.

"What's your name?" I say.

I wanted a fresh start which means a new beginning and personality. I wasn't going to be the girl who doesn't talk to anyone, sits alone being depressed. Though inside i still feel as if i'm suffering. I didn't want it to show anymore, i wanted to fight.

He looks up from his phone a little confused by my question but then answered "Oh sorry, my names Shawn. I just assumed you- never mind sorry."

Shawn seemed like he didn't really feel like talking to me or anyone which i understand. He put down his phone and shut his eyes. He seemed really exhausted.

I look over to some girls over to our right giggling and squealing, taking photos of the sleeping boy next to me.

He seemed to be already fast asleep and i didn't wanna wake him so i just politely said "hey, you can't just take photos of random people".

"Random people??" they say offended.

They sit back and just continue chatting back and fourth pointing at him and squealing.

So rude. I understand he's good looking and everything but taking photos is too far jeez.

The plane finally starts moving and taking off. I stare outside and feel the plane lift into the air higher and higher up above the clouds. I lean my head on the window and try to get some sleep. After a while i feel a head hit my shoulder.

I look over and see that Shawn has fallen his head onto my shoulder, still fast asleep. Aw he looked so cute asleep even though i did feel a little uncomfortable.

The same girls are still looking over and start squealing and saying things like "Omg look.

Omg his head is on her shoulder!. omg omG oMG OMG!!"

I'm so sick of them so i try to lift his head off me as gently as i can without waking him up. But the second i touch his head he wakes up, rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"Oh I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to fall asleep like that" he says softly with his what seems broken voice... "It's just i've been so exhausted and sick lately. I haven't really slept properly in weeks." he says looking me deep into my eyes.

My heart starts to race and i can feel myself physically turn red. No Rose, snap out of it.

"Wow you must work really hard. You should probably take a break, your health is more important than anything job." I say.

"Well I'm actually about to go on break that's why I'm flying back to Toronto, my home" He replies happily.

"Oh you live in Toronto? That's so cool, I'm just moving there right now for University to study writing" I say.

"Wow that's amazing! You'll love Toronto it really is amaz-" Shawn get's cut off by those same girls from earlier yelling "Shawn! Shawn! Shawn!."

How the fuck do these girls know his damn name. Are they freaking stalkers?

"Can we get a photo please?!" One of the girls ask.

"Sorry give me a sec" he says to me as he leaves his seat to go over and take selfies with those annoying girls.

"Thank you so much I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!" They squeal.

Jeez my ears are about to break what kind of psycho girls are these.

"Love you too girls" he replies kindly. Why would he love them wtf all they did was squeal, beg for photos and take photos while he was sleeping WITHOUT his permission.

"Sorry about that" he says to me, sitting back into his seat. "Why are those girls asking you for selfies? Do you even know them" I say super confused.

"Uh um sorry but do you not really know who i am" he says to me with a confused expression. "Well no am i supposed to?" I reply.

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