Look Who's Mrs Grumpypants today.

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Today I got pissed off at people in school and have temporarily lost hope in humanity so I'm going to rant about some things that annoy me here because I won't offend the lack of readers.


On wattpad:

When people put how much they love wattpad on their profile. Well duh, if you're on the site.

When people physically describe the characters in the description of the story.

In Doctor Who:

Danny bleeding Pink. I tend to dislike any form of companion's love interest in doctor who who's not the Doctor. (Except I briefly shipped Jack and Donna and I'd go back to that given the opportunity.). People like Mickey (Rickey) and Rory and Danny. They're like replacements for the Doctor, and are usually even less developed than the companions and infuriating because I SHIP WHOUFFLE AND TENROSE AND I HATE COMPETITION (even if Danny isn't competition for even Strax). WHY CAN'T RIVER/DOCTOR HAPPEN FOR OTHER COMPANIONS? It makes me SO mad.

In fiction:

Love triangles. Self-explanatory. Screw them.

Flat characters, ESPECIALLY love interests.

Quick-developing romance.

Basically, I want a romance like Deryn/Alek and James/Mary and Day/June all the time and you'll make me happy.

And I'm stopping because I'm tired of being Grumpypants.

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