I've "Discovered" Doctor Who!!

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I've discovered DW, guys!!!

Um so I started watching it Monday night and I'm on the "Christmas Special" episode of series 1 (that's with the Ninth Doctor). And although I have no life, I'm really busy with housework because my mum HAD to break her shoulder while she still had a one- and five-year-old.

Ugh. So, basically, all I'm doing in my spare time is watching DW. I'M OBSESSED... WHYYYYYY????

Okay on to what I think of it.

It's great!!! It can be predictable, but at the same time it can be UNpredictable too. The special effects aren't great (*cough* the slitheen look like puppets or Star Wars characters and they make me laugh... *cough*), but that's not really a problem.

But I ship Rose and the Doctor SO hard... and that one kiss wasn't very satisfying, since Rose wasn't exactly herself during it (I mean in The Parting of Ways or whatever, which made me almost cry). I mean basically, I'm having a constant feelingsplosion whenever I think about them. THIS IS NOT HEALTHY.

And now I've glimpsed David Tennant as the Doctor!!!! Yay! I was actually going to start with him but I decided it'd be too confusing starting on series two...

Anyway he seems good. He's funny looking... for some reason he doesn't look like an actual human, but maybe that's just the makeup... idk. I mean the Doctor isn't exactly human anyway.

Anyway, I'm going back to my shell of RosexDoctor feelingsplosions. Adieu, my friends!!!

P.S.: if you're reading this and you've seen more Doctor Who than I have, which is likely, I suggest not spoiling it for me or I'll be forced to block you. Thanks! :D

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