My Thoughts on Fallen

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My Thoughts on Fallen by Lauren Kate (SPOILERS)

Okay first of all, the beginning was good. It pulled me in. The writing style was wonderful, and I liked Luce at first. But...

Okay now I'll list what I didn't like.

Firstly, it was kind of a sexist book. Luce basically loses it whenever she thinks about/sees Daniel, (and he's an asshole) and when she's not thinking about Danny, she's worrying about Cam. I did not like this. And she spends all her time on the phone with Callie talking about the hot bad boy that was into her. Jesus Christ.

And Luce is useless. She always counts on someone (usually Daniel) to save her; she couldn't even dodge a falling statue. It's basically Luce being an awkward idiot throughout the book (MOSTLY. I liked her when she wasn't obsessing over guys and stuff).

Then Daniel and her love. The whole 'damned' thing bugged me, since their love was a curse and they were supposed to feel like that, and so in a way it wasn't really real love. Argue with me if you want, but that's how I see it. Also, Daniel was so much older than Luce, it's like the Edward-Bella thing. Yeah he's hot and young-looking, but he's still a pedophile to some extent.

And Daniel should know not to try to avoid Luce by now.

Penn was my favourite character, she was fun and probably the most feminist one. And then she died. Woo-hoo. Arriane was okay, the type of character I'd like to play in a movie (so is Penn though). But she got a bit annoying and generic. Molly was a sad threat; I don't see what was so awful about her. "Nanana, stay away from Daniel, blah blah blah eww you freak you started a fireeee!" - Molly, you ain't so nice yourself, and Luce, develop a thicker skin.

Cam. I liked him better than Daniel at first and then he started creeping me out. I disliked him at the end of the book.

And Daniel! Sure, he was hot, but I didn't like his character a whole lot. Not enough humour and charming banter with him and Luce, nor much... sparkly romance (that's what I call the tingly or heartwarming stuff... It's hard to explain...). I wasn't against them being together but I didn't really ship them.

Okay, so basically, I didn't like a lot of it. The writing style was really good, and some parts I felt like I could seriously envision it. But it just... bugged me. It was kind of sexist. And the romance was un-sparkly. So I don't think I'll read the next book, but I enjoyed a lot of it! :D

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