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Hello Internet! {heh heh...}

Even though I feel ridiculous obsessing over a Youtuber (I mean, singers and actors at least have, like, an actual job and stuff... um...), I'm going to talk about danisnotonfire.

Right, like I said, I never really got why people liked YouTubers. They seemed rather uninteresting and overrated. Most of the ones I've seen are really not that funny. I mean, Tyler Oakley is cool, because of the LGBT stuff he posts, but not that entertaining.

But Dan...

Okay, the fact that he's English helps, butttttttt he's actually really funny. I watched like half his videos in like, a day or something...

Another thing is, I can really relate to him. Maybe he's not really like what he says he's like and he's just doing it for the fan's approval or something lol, but what he posts is actually really entertaining.

And he likes Misfits!! No one I know or know of likes Misfits! {if you're okay with inapropriate stuff, watch it.}

So, yeah. Completely pointless but whateverz lol.


(yes this was reposted too)

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