Chapter One: Kate's POV (Point Of View)

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Chapter One: Kate's POV 

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked my boyfriend as he picked me up from school in his blue mustang. I was a sophomore at a small high school called Baytes High and he was a junior at a larger high school called Masert High. Although I liked my school, and he liked his, we didn't like the fact that it kept us apart. 

"Well hello to you too, honey!" he exclaimed, pretending to be offended that I hadn't officially greeted him.  

"Fine, hello Jack," I said, putting on my seatbelt. 

"That's all I get?" he asked, pretending to be offended again. I laughed, knowing what he wanted.  

"Are you ready to go hang out with my mom?" I asked jokingly, flipping down the mirror in front of me and applying lip gloss.  

"Sure, I love your mom! And don't put on that crap right before kissing me!" he said, not driving yet.  

"Who said I was going to kiss you?" I asked with a 'fake' puzzled look on my face while I put the lip gloss back in my purse. 

"You will. You always do," he said with a wink. I hid my smile before responding.  

"No! I do not and I will not! And will you please just drive already?"  

"Not until you kiss me." he said, putting the car in park, indicating he was serious. I crossed my arms and stared straight ahead, indicating I was serious.  

"Oh so that's how it's going to be?" he asked, copying my pose.  

After a few moments, I broke the silence; 

"Jack! There are people behind us waiting for us to leave!" I said worriedly.  

"Kate! They'll get over it!" 

"Well I'm not going to kiss you so you might as well drive!" I insisted, looking into his eyes. Man they were gorgeous...  

"Oh so that's how it's going to be?" he repeated and I nodded. So he leaned over to me, making sure his face was inches from mine.  

"I said you were going to kiss me and I always keep my word." he whispered before pulling me towards him and kissing me. I smiled and pulled away.  

He gave me a weird look and said, "That lip gloss is gross! You're lucky I love you, or else you wouldn't get another kiss as long as you keep wearing that stuff!" he warned, leaving the school. 

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked again, ignoring what he'd just said. 

"Well, I feel like I've been such a bad influence on you lately with all of the partying and staying out late. So, we're staying in this evening." he stated confidently, sure that I would agree.  

"Who's house?" I asked, hoping he would say his. Of course I love my parents and sister, but his house was awesome. 

"Whatever you want, Katie."  


"Works for me," he said lightly with a shrug of his shoulders.  

"What are we gunna do?" I wondered as I texted my mom, letting her know where I would be. 

"Homework and just hang out." he answered, turning onto his street.  

When we got to his house, he opened up my door and I grabbed my bag from the back seat and then followed him inside.  

"Hello, Mrs-" I began to say to his mom, who was sitting in the living room reading, before she cut me off.  

"Please call me Sarah, darling!" she insisted, setting down her book. "What are you kids up to?" she asked curiously, showing she cared without being overbearing. 

"We're going up to my room to do homework, mom." he answered, going to give her a hug. That was one of the things I loved about him; he was a great son to his mom and a great big brother to his two sisters. 

"Well have fun!" she said as we began walking upstairs. I turned and smiled at her before Jack grabbed my hand, leading me to his room.

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