Kyoya x Reader|Algebra 1

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What's the point with this?

I walked into this school again. Probably for the last time this week. I knew I wasn't going to want to go tomorrow and it was a shortened week.

The day goes by as I sit by myself, eat by myself and think by myself. All of those, I do by myself.

The highlight of my day is going to the Host Club to see my friends.

I walked into the room just after the girls in front of me did. I do this often so I don't get hit by the flower petals. There was no theme today but I kind of wished there was. I take a deep breath and feel the air conditioning work its magic.

"Feels nice in here today," I say to Ootori, who was a few feet away.

"Ah. Yes. The entire school upgraded. Who do you request today?" He asked holding his notebook and pen.

"I think I'll just enjoy the room alone today," I mutter back and smile at him.

He drowned and nodded his head, "well you have been doing that the last few weeks. Is there any particular reason? Not enough hosts? Maybe the room got boring? We accept criticism you know."

I thought about it.

My home life was falling apart. My only friends, I see after school. I have no social media. I'm untalented and not very smart. "And also incredibly ugly."

"Who is?" He asked with an amused smirk.

"Oh haha. I didn't mean to say it out loud. Anyways, I'll have to think about it," I say with a slightly embarrassed face.

He gave a genuine smile.

"Take your time and do not be afraid to come to me if you need anything princess," he said and walked off to check in with a guest.

I sat down at an empty couch and table set.

Kyoya POV

She seems more tired.

I wonder if it has anything to do with her family.

Am I emotioning?

That's not the right word.

Am I emotion?


Am I becoming emotional?

I glanced at her as she sits alone and sips her tea. She had gotten thinner. I don't think she knew about it. I wonder why. If she just isn't eating or if she's on a diet. Maybe she is working out or something.

Before hand, she wasn't big. Nor small. She was just herself.

That's the best part.

But, I am becoming emotional.

I wonder if she'll let me sit with her.

"Hey (y/n), do you mind if I sit with you? There is nothing I need to attend at this moment and everywhere else is crowded," I say looking through my notes trying to make myself look busy.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. Your room Ootori, you can sit wherever you want," she said to me before getting a distant look in her eyes.

Her eyes.

As cliche as it might be, I think they light up a room. There is no color that makes her eyes look dull.

I take a seat on her left side and stand picking through information in the pages of my notes.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. I look to her as she blinked but didn't appear to hear me.

I try again and she jumped a bit and rubbed her eyes.

"I'm sorry. Ootori. Did you say something?" She asked looking at me. Her eyes looking at my features.

"I did. I was wondering if you are okay," I say back watching her eyes.

"My life is a mess right now and trying to figure it out is like Algebra 1 all over again," she said with a small laugh.

This was an inside joke we had. I know, laugh at me now because I have a joke for once.

I tutored her in Algebra 1 back when we had the same class. She had no idea how it worked. She seemed constantly confused and when she asked me, we'd meet up every day in this room.

She was the one that showed me this room in the first place. She'd practice piano sometimes or even the violin. Not that she was really good at it but she had potential for all of these things.

I looked at her and I started to reach my arms out for a hug.

"I'm not good at emotion but would you like a hug?" I asked her.

She hesitated for a moment before going in for a hug. The room got quiet as was sat in the embrace. She was soft and squishy.

I loved it.

I honestly did. Her in my arms felt right. Then I felt her breathing quicken and her quiet sobs against my chest.

"Shh shh shhhh. Don't cry. Shhhh. Everything will be alright. Shhhh," I say, hopefully being soothing.

"B-b-but what if-if my m-m-mom leaves u-us again? I want he-her to-to-to" followed by a hiccup, "stay... Kyoya...."

I gasp slightly at her calling me by my given name.

"It will all work out in the end. You're a tough girl. It's what I like about you," I mumbled into her ear.

She froze and looked confused with hiccups going off every now and then.


"I... yes. Yes really. I like you more than I thought I would ever like anyone. Ever. You're so strong and kind hearted. I'm here for you. Don't ever think I'm not. Now let's get talking about whatever else is in your mind," I say.

"You," she said

"A... what? You? You what? That doesn't?..." I was speechless.

OHSHC x Reader Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora