Takashi/Mori x Silent Reader

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You were following your cousin who was super excited that you were going to the Host Club. She told you about all of the types and said that you and her were very much like the cousin duo of Mori and Honey.

You flind yourself about to follow her in. You were very quiet and only spoke occasionally. Your (h/c) hair was cut to a bob because you did kendo at your family's dojo. She pulled you along with her and when the doors opened, you met the host club.

5 tall guys, a feminine looking 'guy' and a short blonde. The one that caught you eye was the tall one. Your cousin went here on a regular basis so she went over to Honey. You, being the strong one, followed her. As soon as she sat down, a coversation was struck between the two that you couldn't keep up with for the first few seconds.

You took a deep breath before you took a sip of the tea there. Suddenly Honey spoke to you.

"So, Aka here told me about you. (Y/n) what do you do in your free time?" His soft but loud and high pithed voice asked you.

"Kendo." You gave a one word reply. You normally don't speak to anyone that much. Only when needed.

The tall giant perked his head up after hearing the word. "Takashi does Kendo too~" the blonde said, "you and he are very alike."

Then, your cousin got to talking again as cake was served and you didn't take a bite. "Do you not like cake?" The blonde asked, his eyes teared up.

"She doesn't eat much. Or talk much. Or laugh much. She just follows me around making sure I am safe. I wish she did more. Oh, she does really enjoy Kendo which is what she does most of the time. Anyways, what have you guys been doing lately?" Your cousin, Aka, said. Somehow all in one breath. You slowly took a bite of the cake. Planned out bite. Your cake was chocolate.

The look on your face alone when you took a bite of the cake was enough to distract your cousin. She looked over and said, "Thats the most... emotion I've seen on her. Ever." She mumbled as you looked down.

"Don't look down." Mori said, which really surprised almost everyone. He did what the other hosts normally did.  He placed his hand under your chin and lifted it up. You didn't blush. Normally, you had a bored look on your face.

It was time for the host club to end. You stood up and helped your cousin up. She climbed on your back before you both started walking away. A monkey threw a banana under you and you held your cousin before you both hit the ground.

Your cousin was safe but your ankle hurt a bit. Sighing, you stood up. A grunt came from your mouth.

"(Y/n)-chan, are you okay?" Honey asked right before you were picked up by Mori. His hands carefully holding you up.

"I'm taking her to infirmary." Mori said before walking off wih you. Resting your head against his chest, he blushed.

Before long you fell asleep in his arms. Mori then realized, he was head over heels for you.


To be continued.

Vis-chan out!

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