20k special P3

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"You want me to become a host? I am a biological female. Though, my pronouns may not say so," I said, I am a she/they. Of course no one here needed to know that quite yet. I wasn't very comfortable with it myself.

I was now sitting on the couches, the Host Club had taken a break from guests.

"Well, if you join the Host Club, you will be able to access any amenities in this music room. As well as travel with us on our various vacations and trips. Food is offered during club hours and we have plenty of business connections that are well-recognized within their respective communities," Kyoya said very calmly. The back of his hand gently pushed his glasses frame up his nose.

After meeting Kyoya for the second time today, I wondered if he ever thought about getting a pair of glasses that fit. But, maybe the charm of his glasses is that it's his entire personality.

"We have cake! And Kyoya-chan is very forgiving and let's us practice before club hours!" Hani said, doing a little skip jump before landing onto the couch right next to me.

This nearly grown adult, make my heart swoon. My motherly instincts flared up and I clenched my jaw. This dude was really fricken adorable.

"So what do you say? Do you wish to join the well-known, highly respected group of gentlemen, and ladies?" The tall blonde asked. For some reason, it felt as if he was surrounded by roses as he said that.

"Sure," I said quietly.

"You don't sound very excited," the twin with the less raspy voice said.

"Thats not the attitude we were expecting," the other one said.

I ignored the two of them. They were saying things... but were they really saying anything. Describing, maybe... but actually contributing thoughtful ideas? No.

I looked at the girl, she looked at me with a defeated look and a light shoulder shrug.

I guess I'm a host now. This group of interesting students will probably grow on me more as I get to know them.

But I'm kinda feeling shy right now.


The club opened back up and the ladies rushed back in.

I grabbed the electric guitar and began to play it, in the corner. A few girls came over and asked me if I was a new member. I smiled and nodded my head. Setting down the electric guitar.

As we chatted, I noticed the members of the host club beginning to gradually be left behind by their clients. Their clients  now all sat on the couches near or next to me.

I was reading poetry written by one of the girls. I expressed with great efforts the poetry. I was a natural born actor. When I was 4, I starred in a children's show for a whole season. I only quit because my parents and I moved out of the country. After that, i never felt interested in acting.


The members of the host club also sat around me at this point. Maybe because of my awesome electric personality....

It was because there were no girls left for them to host.


To be continued, at 30k views.

OHSHC x Reader Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora