Kyoya x One-eyed Reader

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You were sitting perfectly still as you talked with a friend in the library. "... Ootori-kun is just plain awesome! Do you think so too?" She said to you.

You turned your head to the right and see Ootori. There behind a bookshelf was said man, his glasses shining as he watched the girl speak.

"Sure, I suppose so. There is one flaw with him I would like to point out." You say, pretending not to have notice him. You posture was still perfect, as always. Your friend nodded and you continued. "He really should stop listening on this conversation. You now turn noticeably towards him and he was pretending to be looking for a book in Animal Salon Section. The most unusual section to go to. Which is why you come here everyday with yourself most of the time.

Your friend looked up and fainted. You simply picked her up and took her to the couch next to you.

Sighing, you went back to taking notes on this book. Your hand cramped as you couldn't notice Ootori watching you. Your right eye was the one you were blind out of. He was standing right where you were blind to literally.

A smile crosses your lips as you start to text your (parent/guardian).

You had troubles and decided to take off the stylish eyepatch and open your other eye. You were always so unaware when people were in the room while you had the eye patch off.

You were given a new eye quite some time ago but never fully adjusted with it. You had had this bad eye since a child, being born with two eyes but one was messed up.

Kyoya watched as you attempted to read. You seemed stuck on the same page.

You were frustrated and threw the book on the ground. "D*mn it!" You whisper yelled.

"Miss (y/n), I do believe that was a school book." You heard the voice that you just hoped had finished looking for a book.

"Ootori-kun! What a 'pleasant' surprise." You said while you slipped the eye patch back on. The light was bothering you and you had been starting to get a headache. "I didn't see you there." You said almost laughing, really trying your best not to laugh.

He seemed to get the joke and didn't want to offend an extremely important client... aka his fiance.

Yes, you and he were engaged upon your [p/g] as well as Yoshio. Yoshio seemed to like you for some specific reason. You looked almost exactly like his late wife and it would be wonderful to have a powerful heir that wasn't totally ugly. 'Beauty was power,' he said to you, 'I want you to produce a great heir. Not now of course. As soon as you get married should be be working on it.'

When that happened, you had tried your best not to blush and look weak. Your breathing was very troubling for you since well COMPLIMENTS! The only part you didn't look the part of his wife was where you had different colored eyes and obviously the eyepatch part.

Just and update cuz I haven't updated since the dinosaurs.

My only excuse, I simply didn't feel like it.

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