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My chest was on fire.

Every breath I took was torture, but they were doing the best they could.

Everyone knew I was struggling: Luke ran his hands through my hair, Ashton held my shoulder, Calum gently rubbed my stomach and Michael my hand. They all had masks on but I didn't care this time- they weren't working.

Usually, I'd hate to be so surrounded but I wanted them all here.

I'd woken up this morning feeling better, but then I had a coughing fit and it seemed to go downhill. Although Tom assured me I was recovering, I felt horrible.

"You're doing so well cutie," Michael praised.

"You just need to get it all out," Ashton said, Tom walking through the door.

"Good afternoon Bella, can I check your vitals?" he asked, taking his stethoscope off his neck and into his ears.

I took deep breaths as he told me to, a smile appearing on his face.

"Sounds clearer than before, the medicine is working its wonders,"

"My chest burns,"

"It does still sound a bit tight in there, I'm thinking we can try a special inhaler that helps clear the airways,"

He took my temperature, then checked my ears and throat as well as blood pressure.

"Do you have an ear ache at all?"

"Not really,"

"It looks a bit inflamed, that's all. I'll check on it later and perhaps get you some ear drops,"

He looked through the cupboards and found what he needed, handing it to Luke.

"Two sprays, that should do the job. I have to go to the emergency department so sorry for rushing, but it looks like you're doing better Bella. I'll see you later,"

He left the room, Ashton sitting the bed up more.

"Ok, you're gonna breath in when I tell you to,"

He put the inhaler in my mouth and counted down from three, nodding as I breathed in. I cringed, grabbing Michael's hand and leaning into Calum's shoulder.

He fully hugged me, rubbing my back.

"I don't feel well,"

"What's gonna cheer you up sweetheart?"

"Can you cuddle me and we can watch a film?"

"I don't know if I should do that,"

"Go on, she might have a little nap too," Luke suggested, poking my nose. I shook my head, moving backwards so Calum could climb into the bed. He was in joggers and a hoodie, making him really warm.

However, as he rubbed my back and breathed slowly, I found myself falling asleep.

When I woke up, I wasn't hugging Calum anymore- it was Luke instead. I didn't have to open my eyes to know.

"I want Calum," I whined, desperate for his hugs.

Right now, he was who I felt safest with. Ever since the appointment with my therapist, and when I got my teeth removed, he'd made me feel comfortable.

He always told me how beautiful I was, and always wanted to talk about what was going on it my life.

"He's about to go home, would you rather he stay than me?" Luke asked, scratching my back.

I felt guilty for nodding, but it was the truth. No matter what, I love them all so much, but I was sick and wanted him.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's ok sweetheart, I'm not mad. The medicine can make you feel iffy so I'd rather you feel the most comfortable you can,"

"I do really love you," I said, starting to get flustered.

"Bella, it's ok, I'll be working tomorrow but checking in on you lots so I'll see you then,"

"You've been so brave," Ashton praised. I held my arms out to him while Luke stood up, letting him hug me too.

Calum came back into the room, two toothbrushes and a toothpaste in his hand.

"Can't stay overnight without these," he teased.

"Are you sure you're ok with this? They're getting another bed which l attach to the side," Luke asked him.

"As long as she doesn't snore too loudly ,"

I laughed, looking at the time and realising it was late already.

They gathered their things and left, leaving Calum and I.

"I didn't think you'd want me to stay," he smiled, opening the toothbrush and grabbing a plastic cup from the side.

"I want your hugs, you care about me,"

"So do the other guys,"

"I know, I just feel like I don't appreciate you enough,"

"I don't need you to show me anything, seeing you smile is enough for me. Are you gonna let me brush your teeth since the needle is in your good hand?"

I nodded and waited as he washed his hands before opening my mouth.

"You have a cleaning with Michael next week, braces can be a bit hard to manage at first,"

I hummed, spitting into the cup when he asked.

"Please cuddle me,"

"On it princess, you'll be well in no time,"

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