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It was official.

I was adopted.

They were all my family.

"Come here baby girl ," Luke said softly, hugging me tightly as we stepped out the courtroom.

"Thankyou so much,"

"Shall we go home, we can grab some food on the way,"

I nodded and took his hand, heavily walking to the car. Despite being happy, my movements were heavy because I was still in so much shock.

We'd been waiting for that date for months, and now we had a whole summer to enjoy ourselves. Well, they'd be working, but Harry and I were free.

"Thankyou for letting me keep my last name. There's not any reason to keep it but it felt wrong changing it,"

"It's ok, it was entirely your decision to make,"

We drove to a McDonald's and got some food, eating it on the way back home.

When we got back, we threw the rubbish away and went inside, immediately being bombarded with hugs from everyone.

Calum got to me first, Ashton and Michael tagging on. I leant into Cal's chest and let him hold me, closing my eyes.

"Finally," I smiled.

"We're family,"

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