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"Do a little spin for me," Calum smiled, taking photos of me yet again. This time, I was wearing blue mom jeans and a black top with three sunflowers on. I had a pair of white trainers on and my hair was in a bun.

"Are you ready?" Luke called from upstairs, Michael and Ashton shouting no.

Calum rolled his eyes and pulled me in for a hug. Luke also came upstairs, joining the hug.

"Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah, we watched high school musical,"

"You're obsessed," Luke snorted, tapping the bun and slipping an extra pin in.

Calum spun me round again, grinning widely.

"We love a supportive boyfriend who watches it with you,"

"I love him," I mumbled, getting my coat.

"I know," Calum mocked, the other two entering the room.

"Finally," Luke grumbled, "lets go,"

I sat in the back with Calum and Michael, reminding me that I had an appointment tomorrow. There didn't seem to be any problems, but I was anxious anyway.

Michael seemed to notice my change of mood and took my hand, drawing patterns on it.

"Don't worry about it," he said quietly, already linking the two up, "I'll take it slow,"

I took a shaky breath and looked at him, my eyes stinging.

"Don't ruin the makeup you worked on, there's nothing to worry about. I know it's not been pleasant the last times but I've seen how easily you can devour pizza, so I doubt there's any problems,"

I laughed lightly, looking up as the car stopped. We arrived at he restaurant, everyone getting out the car- I stayed close to Michael.

He wrapped his arm round my shoulder and kissed my head, trying his best to reassure me. By now, everyone else had noticed the mood change. Luke and Calum insisted on sitting next to me, an equally concerned Michael and Ashton opposite.

"We're gonna forget about this and have a good night, yeah?" Luke smiled, squeezing my hand as I nodded.

"You can share my menu," Calum said, holding it in front of us.

There was so much food, and I didn't know what half of it was. Both of us went for the safe option of a burger.

After we'd ordered, Luke turned to me and passed me an envelope. Ashton handed me a note, Calum a present and Michael a slip of paper.

"What is this for?"


I opened the present to reveal a photobook titled '2019', empty and ready for photos. Michael's note was a ticket to the cinema, then a promise to get pizza after.

Ashton had given me a card, which I opened and saw five tickets fall out; tickets to see a musical.

Inside the card, there were four messages.

I'm so glad you're able to be known as our actual family, and I'm so proud of everything you've overcome. I hope you can feel like you belong somewhere now, Michael x

You've given us all a reason to work harder, become more responsible and to become even closer as a group. You deserve everything Bella, being adopted is only the beginning. We love you, Calum x

Throughout my months knowing you, I've been privileged enough to watch you become a strong, independent and confident girl. It wasn't easy to trust us. It motivates me to face any challenges I don't think I can, and I love hearing everything you have to say. Your mind is well ahead of your age. Ashton x

As soon as your adoption was finalised, I almost burst out crying. You've been such a good sport, and become a member of our household with grace. You never hesitate to help us, and listen to what everyone has to say. This is because you've worked so hard to become healthy again, and you let us help you when you need it. Don't hesitate to come to us, we always have and always will accept you, love Luke xx

I looked up, smiling and hiding my face in his shoulder. Tears were brewing, but I couldn't cry here. Not here.

"I love you guys,"

"I'm so proud of you Bella,"

"I don't deserve this, I really don't,"

"You haven't even seen this yet," he chuckled, passing me the envelope.

I steadily tore it open and saw two things in there: a passport and a booking receipt. Ages ago, we'd taken passport photos incase we ever needed them but I never expected them to actually get me one.

"Where are we going, I can't see through my tears,"


"Shut up,"


"That's so much money,"

"All spent on an amazing girl,"

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