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Luke texted to say he'd just picked Bella up and was walking through the hospital, a bit shaky.

Michael and I were prepping the room so we could start as quickly as possible, double checking the teeth we were removing.

"Are we giving gas?"

"Yeah, she wouldn't even sit on the chair without it,"

"She's gonna hate this,"

"Can you be as supportive as possible? I'm gonna put all my focus to this to get it done quick,"

He nodded, wiping he seat down and washing his hands as the two walked in. Bella sat straight down, her hoodie drowning her body.

"Hey love," I said, putting a bib round her, "can I lay the chair back?"

She nodded, gripping Luke's hand tightly.

"Michael's quickly gonna clean the areas for me, then I'll take your teeth out super quick," I said, letting Michael take my seat as I prepared the injections.

It ran smoothly, and she let him clean her teeth with no fuss at all. I wondered if she'd talked about her fear, or if she was too upset to react.

"All good. Do you think you can have the first shot while the gas sets in?"

She looked up at me uneasily, reaching for Luke's other hand and resting it on her stomach. After, she nodded.

"Ok, keep your mouth nice and wide for me, and squeeze your eye shut as much as possible,"

I waited until she'd closed her eyes before putting the needle in, feeling her flinch as I put the numbing in. A small groan escaped but Michael soothed her until I was done.

"Super brave Bella, well done," Luke encouraged, rubbing her stomach gently as we waited for it to start being numbed. Carefully,I shuffled her up to the top of the seat, tilting her head so I could see the tooth.

"Ok, you might feel some pressure, but let me keep going. I get it's not a nice feeling, but I'm doing the best I can,"

She nodded lazily, letting us put a mouth prop in as I started pulling at the tooth. Throughout the process, she grabbed Luke's wrist but there wasn't any hassle. The gas has definitely kicked in.

"Bite down for me cutie," I said, putting gauze down and putting the tooth to the side.

"Take some deep breaths, Luke will roll your sleeves up,"

Michael used the suction to clean her mouth, moving the mouth prop so I could see the other side.

"You can keep biting down, but I'm gonna give you two more shots,"

She hummed, her grip on Luke starting to loosen.

"Good job, nice and still for me," I said quietly, giving her the other shots and taking out her gauze.

"Michael is gonna do his best to take away all the blood,"

"Blood?" she mumbled, groaning.

"It's ok. Open big for me again,"

This tooth was a bit more resistant, and she squeezed her face up but we got it out aswell. While Michael suctioned, I pulled out the last tooth and put lots of gauze in.

"All done sweetheart, you were so brave for me," I said, rubbing my thumb on his chin to bring her attention back a bit more.


"He's gonna take you to Ashton, I want you to rest for me,"

I took her bib off and sat the chair up, Michael wiping her mouth and grabbing a bunch of gauze.

Since she wouldn't be able to walk, we'd called for a wheelchair and Luke put her in it.

"The worst part of it all is over now, you've been a superstar,"


"You want a sticker? Which one?" I chuckled, holding the pack out. She chose one and hummed, leaning back in the chair.

"I'll see you later,"

"It aches,"

"Ash will sort you out, don't lay down,"

"Does it make me look ugly?"

"Enough questions Bella, you look great. Keep biting down," Luke reminded, laughing as he left.

"She can be one chatterbox,"

"I thought she'd resit more," Michael shrugged, cleaning up again.

"I think she spoke about it, and other things. Hopefully her head is a bit clearer now,"

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