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Unlike he promised, Luke wasn't with me when I woke up. I whined loudly grabbing someone's attention downstairs.

Michael poked his head round be corner, smiling sympathetically at me.

"How are you feeling?"

"A bit better, I could've gone to Harry's thing,"

"No you couldn't, I don't want you at mine either,"

"But I need to celebrate your birthday, I can't miss two,"

"They'll happen again next year," he pointed out, sitting on the end of my bed.

"When am I gonna wear my own dress?"

"I think, we can convince Luke to let you have your birthday party here. Nothing too big, but more than a couple of friends. How many are in your group?"

"Like seven,"

"And how crazy do those parties get?"

"They're gatherings, but pretty mental sometimes. It depends if they want to smoke and how much they drink,"

"Ok, well there will be no smoking here, but I'm sure you can have a few more people round if you'd like,"

"I dunno, it's not for a while yet,"

He gave me a tissue so I could blow my nose, finding one of Luke's hoodies in my wardrobe and passing it to me.

"It might do you some good to come downstairs for a bit,"

"Do I have to get braces?"

"Let's not worry about that,"

"How soon?"

He sighed, taking my hand.

"He wants you to see Mali this week so that he can remove any teeth and take the moulds before we go on holiday,"


"It'll be fine, I promise,"

I shrugged, taking his hand. Calum and Ashton sat in the lounge so I sat between them, fiddling with the bobble on my wrist.

"Where's Luke?"

"He went to the shop to get you some stuff," Ashton said, gently rubbing my knee as I tucked it into the sofa.

"I feel a bit better,"

"That's always good, Luke said you had a good sleep,"

Tiredly, I nodded and leant on Calum's shoulder.

"Do I need braces?"

"Yes sweetheart, I promise I wouldn't be doing it for the sake of it,"

"Can Harry still kiss me?"

"Yes," he laughed, "have you heard from him?"

"He'll be partying,"

"Ahh right,"

Luke can back home, pleasantly surprised to see me on the sofa. Michael took a bag of shopping off him while Luke came over to me.

"I got you some pads and painkillers, ice lollies, tissues, fluffy socks and hot chocolate. Is that ok?"

"You got me all of that?"

"Yeah, it's nothing love. Put the socks on now,"

I laughed, catching them and slipping them over my trainer socks.

"He spoils me," I mumbled to Calum, practically sat on his lap as I curled up next to him.

"I think it's done you some good. When I first met you, like properly met as a person, you wouldn't have done this at all. You've put on weight, and I've seen you smile so much thanks to Luke,"

"Do I look better?"

"I mean, you're obviously a bit off, but you definitely do look healthier. You sound and act like it too with a bounce in your step,"

"I think my grades have dropped, I feel dumber in school,"

"Your grades have shot up Bella, it's only cos it's harder things," Luke said, sitting on the floor below.

"I don't feel very confident with myself right now,"

"Why? You're so beautiful and an amazing person,"

"Sometimes I feel like my presence is unwanted but I'm there,"

"Well I'd rather have you snuggled up on the sofa with me while doing work than upstairs in your own," Ashton smiled, taking one of my hands.

"However, once we've eaten I might have to kick you back upstairs so you go to sleep,"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna get my phone,"

I trailed upstairs, finding my phone in the covers and going back down.

And that's when it popped up.

A photo of Harry, kissing another girl.

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