Mochi Kiss | Minami Natsume X Reader

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You were at the park right now, waiting for your friends. Ah, no its not a date. You guys just went out with each other or i should say spending more time with him.
You arrived earlier than you thought and now you were waiting for him. You've lost in your deep thought like asking a lot of question to yourself.

'What if he tricks me?'

'What if he was just playing?'

'What if he actually don't want to spent time with me?!'

'I should get going!'

'No but-!'

Without you knowing, he already arrived.



'That was his voice! He's not lying and he actually came!!!!' You yell in your mind.

"A-ah.. M-minami-kun" you say as you turned around, seeing him taking his breath.

"y/n sorry im late" he apologize.

"No its okay.. Minami-kun" you say.

"Ughh" he groan.

"W-what?" You asked, afraid that his bad side come out and he trick you.

"I told you to just call me Minami!" Minami say.

"Why?" You asked.

"Because we're at the same age" he told you and ruffle his hair.

'Kamii samaaaa!!!! This is it! I can't hold it! He's so handsome while he ruffling his hair!!!' You shout in your mind.

"O-okay then.. M-minami..." you say.

"Good-" he stopped because of your next word.

"..kun.." you continued.

"Ahh, is it too hard for you? I call you y/n.. and you don't call me Minami?" He say sounding angry but he's not.

"Gomen Minami!" You say as you protect your face with both of your hands.

"Why are you hiding your face from me? Im not gonna eat you" he say.

"I-i know.." you say as you tuck on your shirt.

"yet" he say.

'Whattt? Isss hee saying?' You ask yourself inside your mind. And ofc you heard him saying that but you just have to asked again to make sure.

"Nothing lets get going" he say and took a hold of your hand, simply holding it.

'Omg!!! He hold my hands!!! Even thought this is not the first time but my heart is beating soo fast!!' You blush hard.

"Are you okay? You went red.." Minami say as he put his hand on your forehead probably checking whether you have a fever. But hey so suddenly?
"M-minami-!" You stopped talking, leaving your mouth to opened because you were so shocked of what he did to you.

"There~ You will get better if i do that" he say after he kiss your forehead.

'Kami sama arigatou! You have granted me enough with these sweet boy!!!' You yell in your mind, ofc.

"So where do you want to go?" Minami ask you as you two were walking around the park.

"I don't know.. but lets just participate in some of the festival.. and have fun?" You say to him, more like asking that last part.

"Okay then" he say.

You two went to the big festival and participate some of it. He even buy you a gift and you were thinking it was unfair so you buy something for him too. You guys were so tired because its been an hours who knows how many hours of walking around and played some of the games that they held.

[DISCONTINUED] IDOLiSH7 One-ShotsWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt