Ice Cube | Sogo Osaka X Reader

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"So, what are we going to do now?" I asked no one in particular.

"Maybe we can clean up their room" Sogo answered you.

"No, im not going to clean their room.." you say this, making him sighed.

"Then what are we going to do?" He asked you back, with the same question that you've asked him.

"I don't know.." you say as you took out your phone from your pocket and continued to play with your phone.

Sogo stay silent for awhile, and there were a long silent between the two of you. You hate this weird silent things so you broke the silent intently.

"Sogo-kun…" you called up for him.

"What is it, y/n?"

"………" you stay silent unsure what to say.

"………" he stood still, waiting for you to speak.

"…… im hungry…" you say.

He sighed, "Even though Tamaki-kun aren't here, i feel like there's a second Tamaki-kun right now" he say.

You just rolled your eyes and Sogo let out a small chuckled.

"Okay okay, wait here. Im going to cook you something now" he say as he went to the kitchen.

"Don't take for too long, im hungry.." you yell a bit.

"Yeah i know" he answer you back.

You are inside idolish7 dorm right now. You ended up, spending time alone with Sogo only at their dorm. He was cooking some food right now, which you didn't even care what kind of food did he cooked. You on the other hand, laying on the sofa in the living room, playing with your phone. You easily get distracted by some idol MV, which was now you ended up watching all the new MV.

" y/n , can you help me get the plate? " Sogo suddenly called you up, asking for your help, after you feel like 10 minutes has already passed by.

"Ugh.. im lazy.. do it by yourself, you are in the kitchen right? Not me.." you reply lazily.

" y/n…" he called you again for you. This time, you also ignored him.

" y/n, stand up now, go to the kitchen, get me some plate.." He say, sounded serious.

"Sogo-kun! I told you to do it by yourself!" You yelled back. You being the stubborn person, always act like that.

"You want me to repeat myself again?" He asked you as he stand by the door, holding a knife.

"H-hai!" You yell as you get up quickly to get the plate in the kitchen because you sense there were a 'yandere' aura, going around him.

"Good" he came up behind you and pat your head. This action of him, making you jump a little because you were still scared from his 'yandere' behaviour earlier.

"What are you cooking actually?" You asked him, hoping that you'd eventually dropped the tensed aura between the two of you just now. He walked back to the stove, continuing  whatever he was doing with the food.

"You can see it later" he answered your question without turning his head to looked at you, in which his gaze was still on the food that he stir.

"Ah, what smell is this?" You asked him again as you smell a strong sense coming from the food that Sogo cooked.

You unfortunately couldn't really tell the smell of some food because you're not really in cooking, only when you're tasting it, you will eventually know what kind of food is it. (If you didn't see the food, thats all) .

"Take your seat now y/n, i will be back after this" Sogo say as he somehow put the food that he cooked on the plate.

"Hai hai.." you answered him lazily as you took a seat on the dining chair.


"Sogo-kun, hayaku!" You whined because he took much time bringing the food.

"Im coming!" Sogo say.

"sigh come on.. im hungry.." you told him.

"Here" he say as he put the plate on the table while he put his and took a sit next to you.

You gasped so suddenly, making Sogo to immediately looked at you.

"What's wrong, y/n?" He asked you.

"Omu-rice!!~" you say with a happy sparkle in your eyes.

"Itadakimasu!" You say happily as you quickly took the spoon and dig in the food.

"Slow down y/n" Sogo told you as he sighed.

"Itadakimasu…" you heard him say.

As soon as you put the spoon that containing some of the omurice into your mouth, you munch the omurice only to let go the spoon.

"y/n whats wrong?" Sogo asked you as your face feels hot and your throat burning.

"M-mizu!!" You yell as you quickly stand up and run to the kitchen to get some water.

"y/n…whats wrong?" Sogo asked you.

You ignored him as you were too busy on pouring the water into the cup that you just took it. You quickly drink the drinks. After finishing all of it, you still feel the burning sensation in your throat.

"y/n.." Sogo called you out again. You ignored him and continued to search something, to make that burning sensation fade away.

You feel a tap on your shoulder suddenly. Turning around you quickly widened your eyes of what has come.

"Sogo-ku— mnph!" You were greet by Sogo kissing you. You want to asked what's wrong with him but you were stopped by something cold, cube shaped things being transfer to your mouth. It was obvious that Sogo the one that gave you some ice cube by kissing. After a few second, he pulled away and smile at you while asking,

"Are you okay now?" He asked you. You nodded in embarrassment as you felt the burning sensation in your throat was now gone, due to the ice cube help and also Sogo.

"Sorry y/n.. i didn't know that you couldn't eat spicy things.." Sogo apologize to you.

"N-no, its fine.. i can eat it but i— i just.. not getting used to it" you say as you scratch your cheek a bit.

"So you're alright?" Sogo asked you.

"Im fine now, just a lil bit of spicy still on my tongue but im fine.. you already ask it earlier.." you mumbled the last sentences.

"You want to do that again?" He asked you.

You having the 'innocent' mind, you ask back.

"What do you mean?" .

"This" Sogo come closer to you and kiss you again, made your eyes widened open again and you were so surprised. Both of you pulled away after a few sec.

"S-sogo-ku—" you were stuck with your words as Sogo cut you off with his next three words.

"I love you"

Hi guys.. so this chap was longer too, and sorry if the last few paragraph was kinda weird bcoz im very tired rn.. and it was late rn in my country so yea.. bye.

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