They looked at me silently, both seeming like they don't want to answer. I flicked my eyes back and forth between them, waiting for an explanation but I was struggling with nothing but silence.

"That's not—" I couldn't even finish the sentence, I was too scared to, a tear stumbling down my hot cheek.

"Amelia.." My mom exhaled in grief, and that was enough for me to understand what the answer was.

"I have a child!" I shouted in shock, my hand going right to my stomach which I couldn't believe once held a baby. My stomach felt a bit different, but I couldn't describe it. It felt more.. loose I guess.

"Meils just relax okay—"

"No I can't relax! I have a child I don't remember! The last thing I remember is being in school and now your telling me I have a baby and a fiancé! I've never even had a boyfriend, I've never even had sex before but you're telling me I once gave birth!" I started to spiral, shouting in utter fear.

The door opens and in rushes the doctors and the three strangers that all looked concerned from my yelling. I was so overwhelmed.

Harry walked up to the other side of my bed, his eyes full of concern from my panicked state as he grabbed my hand.

"Amelia it's gonna be o—"

"Please don't!" I react by snapping my hand back out of his. "I'm sorry just please just leave me alone for a second." I say in reflex. This wasn't his fault, but I couldn't look at him right now because it just freaked me out. He was a stranger to me but yet everyone's telling me he's my future husband and the father of my child I didn't know I had.

His eyes softened even more, looking slightly hurt and it didn't make me feel great because it's not my purpose to hurt his feelings but I was so freaked out.

"Amelia, I got your charts back and the scans came out perfectly normal. But due to your many days of your coma and the fact we did a procedure on your temporal lobe, you seem to have lost a portion of your long term memory." The doctor says very calmly like this is normal, looking at his chart as I was having a panic attack.

"Some of my long term memory?" I mock. "I'm forgetting a whole child I supposably had!" I shouted in grief.

"Meils just rela—"

"No Audrey I can't relax! I'm scared okay. I'm sorry Harry but I have no clue who you are and as much as I'm sure your a great guy I'm really freaked out right now that we're engaged. I don't even remember where we met! Audrey said something about the day of the lockdown you were there, why? I've never seen you at my school." I let all my crippling anxieties go through the roof, my life not even feeling like my own and it was the scariest thing.

"I will explain this all to you okay? I know it's scary sweetheart but you have all of us here to help you." Harry says in comfort even though I just snapped at him earlier.

"Ms. Adams, amnesia isn't always permanent. Sometimes after being in a coma for so long this can happen to patients. But in my many years of medicine I've seen many cases where something triggers there memory back. Sometimes it can gradually come back, or all at once. So don't loose hope yet, the important thing is that you're healthy and alive after basically being a loss cause for these seventy days. You're lucky you didn't loose the brain function to speak. You have many people around you who will assist you back to normal and hopefully try to take you down memory lane to help stimulate that temporal lobe again." The bald doctor says with his clipboard, trying to give me light in this tunnel.

"That's perfect honey, we will all try to find what could bring your memory back." My mom says from the right side of the bed, Harry on the left side.

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