𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 1 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁

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As time passed, both boys grew up. Strengthening bonds with people who their parents deemed suitable.

Jungkook was his parent's pride and joy. He never got into trouble, kept his grades high and was generally very polite. Since he'd turned 17, his father was allowing him to take more of a part of the company. Jungkook would work there on weekends and he loved it. The excitement of business, his brain enjoying looking at all the statistics and facts.

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One night, Jungkook's father stormed in and slammed some files onto the kitchen table where they were eating dinner.
"Is something wrong dear?" His mother asked, calmly continuing to cut her roll.
His father sat down angrily "yes, somethings wrong. Those fucking Kims are at it again"
His mother sighed "what have they done this time?"
"You know their son, what's his name?"
"Taehyung?" Jungkook offered.
"Yeah him. Well he's decided to come out as gay but you know who else just conveniently came out at the same time?"

"Who?" Jungkook asked, interested in what his father had to say.
"Min Yoongi, meaning that they have changed the marriage arrangement so that Taehyung will marry Yoongi and their companies will merge. I think it's just too coincidental that they both happened to come out as gay at the same time"
"You think the boy's lying?" His mother asked.
"Of course he is. His parents probably put him up to it like the evil conniving sons of bitches they are"

"Don't you think that's a bit extreme?" Jungkook asked.
"I'll put nothing past the Kims, they'd do anything to get ahead" his father growled "plus the whole thing is just wrong"
Jungkook's heart began beating a little faster, he'd been sure he was gay for years now but never had the confidence to come out to anyone. He'd always hoped his parents would be okay with it but maybe not.

"I mean Yoongi is 6 years older than the Kim boy, he's a man. He's 21 years old. The Kim boy is younger than Jungkook. When he was betrothed to Yoongi's sister, it made sense they're both the same age but now" his father took a deep breath "I honestly feel sorry for that child having to grow up with those people as parents"
"Father, I have an idea" Jungkook said, slowly formulating a plan in his mind "what if I make friends with Taehyung?"
"Excuse me?" His father asked, wondering if he'd heard him wrong.

"Think about it. If I make friends with him then he'll feel loyalty to me and this feud can end" Jungkook explained.
"No! I won't stand for it!"
"What did the Kim's do that was so bad?!" Jungkook argued.
"Your great great grandfather built this business from the ground up! He had nothing!"
"And then he met a wealthy man who gave him a small loan and he used it to create his first line of products and begin the business, I know the story" Jungkook interrupted.
"Well that man was a Kim! He gave your great great grandfather seemingly everything and he wanted every bit of that loan back. So eventually your grandfather managed to pay it all back but by that time the man wanted more and more and more. He tried to send your poor grandfather bankrupt. He then eventually sent in a man to infiltrate the business and stole the money he wanted back. It set out business back years. You can never trust a Kim, don't forget that" his father warned "I told you when you were a kid and I'll tell you again now. Under no circumstance will I allow you to become friends with Kim Taehyung, he's a bad influence"

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"Are you excited Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as he flopped down on the beanbag chair next to Taehyung's desk.
"What for?" Taehyung answered as he tried to concentrate on the schoolwork he'd been given.
"You get to marry the most handsome and amazing man in the world"
Taehyung turned to him in fake excitement "I get to marry Kim Soo-hyun!" He gasped as Yoongi deadpanned.
"You're so annoying" Yoongi groaned.
Taehyung just laughed "have less of an ego then"

"You know whenever I thought of my future husband, you were not at the forefront of my mind" Yoongi commented, picking the dirt out from under his nails.
"Well when I thought of my future partner I thought of your sister so.." Taehyung shrugged.
"No offence but I don't want to marry you"
Taehyung put his hand on his heart "Yoongles, that hurt deep. We were so in love, what happened?"
"Why are you being so dramatic today?!" Yoongi laughed.

"Why do we need to get married again?" Taehyung whined "I mean I love you Yoongi but not as a husband, that's just too weird"
"I'm with you on that one. You're like a little baby, it's not okay"
"Okay, maybe you're going a bit far now"
"Are you going to Jeon Jungkook's 18th birthday party?" Yoongi asked.
Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows "no, I don't think I was invited"
"Oh yeah I forgot about the whole war thing between your families. Maybe you should go anyway, you could be my plus one, hubby"

Taehyung fake gagged "don't ever call me that again"
"What about babe? Does babe suit you better?"
"I'm going to throw up"
"How about pumpkin?"
"Seriously, I'm going to be sick, stop" Taehyung laughed as he got up from his desk.

"So will you come?" Yoongi asked.
"I'll come if my parents are okay with it but they'll probably say no, I'm only 15. They'll just tell me I should work on my studies"
"Go ask them now and then you can make a deal with them if you get a good result in your tests. Jungkook's birthday is still 2 months away, so do well in your end of year tests"

Taehyung nodded and walked down the stairs to see his parents "mama?" He called as he walked into their large sitting room.
His mother waved him away as she was on the phone to someone which meant he would have to confront his father. His father was a kind man but he could be very strict.

He nervously entered his father's study.
His father looked up from his desk, a large boxy smile on his face as he gestured for his son to sit down.
Taehyung walked over and sat across from his father.
"How's your studies?" He asked.
"They're doing well but I have a favour to ask"
"And what is that?" His father asked as he sifted through papers.
"Yoongi has asked me to attend a party as his plus one and I was wondering if I could go"
"When is this party?"
"As long as you get good grades you can go, I'm happy you're spending time with Yoongi but just be careful Taehyung. I know he's your best friend and now your future husband but don't go too fast, you still have a lot of growing up to do"
Taehyung smiled as he stood up, he bowed "thank you papa"

He ran excitedly upstairs to tell Yoongi.
"I'm allowed!" He shouted throwing himself on top of Yoongi.
"Taehyung! Get off, you're going to break me!" Yoongi exclaimed pushing the younger off of him "I'm happy you get to go, I'm surprised they let you since they hate Jungkook so much"
Taehyung shrugged "he didn't ask who's party it was"
"Oooooh, my little Tae is becoming a rule breaker. I'm such a bad influence" Yoongi laughed.
"As if you've ever broken a rule in your life"

Will they finally meet or will I keep you guys in suspense for a little longer?

Anyways, this weeks rant. I've been keeping up with the Coronavirus and honestly it's terrifying. I hope wherever you are it's not made it's way there yet and if it has I hope that you all stay safe ❤️

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it.

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