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"But Dad---"

"This is not negotiable." said Axky firmly.

"Mom ---" tried Vicky.

"No. Two teenagers alone in a foreign country is too risky." said Paula evenly.

"If I could ---"

"No." both her parents said together.

"But Levi can't go alone!" protested Vicky.

"Of course he won't go alone." said Paula. "You just won't go with him."

"About that..." said Levi's mother thoughtfully. "If the trip needs to be made immediately, I won't be able to go. I am a secretary at a finance consulting firm and this time of the year is crazy."

Paula frowned at that. If Emily, Levi's mother couldn't go then...

"The doctors have forbidden me from traveling for three months." said Axky gesturing to his broken and formerly burnt shoulder. "Can't go either."

"I'm cooking for the President this year." said Paula with a sigh. "Foreign delegates are due all throughout this month. I can't leave."

Levi looked up in shock. If no one could go that meant their plan had to be shelved. What a waste of time.

"I could take the kids." piped up Ted as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Vicky dropped her fork in surprise and Levi almost fell off his chair. He was being invited to go on a Spanish holiday and the world famous lawyer was offering to be their chaperone and partner in crime to bring down the Gavin? Well, this was one dream Levi didn't want to wake up from.

"What?" asked Axky nervously biting into a slice of pie.

"I'm free and the kids want to go." said Ted content now his stomach was full. He briefly noted how no one else had even started their meal. Ah well. Some people were never good at prioritizing.

"Why would you want to subject yourself to such torture?" asked Axky. "Two hormonal teenagers on a pleasure cruise? You've finally gone senile Ted."

"Well, I was kind of thinking of taking a date with me as well..." said Ted with a smirk. "Like the blonde secretary of Gavin's? She was hot."

Levi and Axky almost gagged at the image of Ted and Gavin's busty secretary cozying up but covered it with a gulp of water and fake retching sounds.

"Mr.  Wilson, Levi and Vicky have their summer holidays starting next week. It would be wonderful if you could accompany them to Spain. Will it really be possible for you?" asked Levi's mother pragmatically.

"Of course." said Ted happy someone was finally okay with his brilliant idea. "I finished a high profile case last month and it was very stressful. Sent a rich douche-bag to prison for a lifetime. You see I am a specialist in such cases."

"Show off." muttered Axky, but there was no malice in his voice.

"A nice summer by the beach eating pizza and drinking wine sounds great to me. Especially since Axky here will be sponsoring it."

Axky snorted but didn't protest. He was going to pay for the best trip ever anyway.

"Fine Ted old buddy, I'll make your travel plans. Vicky, Levi are you okay with going?" he asked and almost shook his head at his words. Honestly he didn't have to ask if the kids were ready.

"I AM SO OKAY WITH THIS!" squealed Vicky happily.

"Me too." said Levi a little more contained because his mother was there.

"But no kissing." deadpanned Axky.

Vicky spluttered in protest but Levi gave her a look saying how-the -hell -will- he - know- if -we -kiss - slyly?

Vicky mimed 'he hacks into security camera footage'.

"Also no raucous making out in public." said Paula sensibly. "You don't want to embarrass uncle Ted."

"And don't get drunk married while you are there." supplied Levi's mother with a smirk as her son groaned. "Also tell your grandmother I'll see her in hell."

"Mom, you're too nice, they won't let you into hell." laughed Levi. But sure, I'll send your sentiments."

With that the whole family settled down to tuck into the now cold meal, not that anybody noticed. Ted used the opportunity to heap second helpings of everything as the evening moved towards discussing lighter, happier things.

There were so many memories between the adults. Events and emotions from a time when Vicky and Levi were still infants. They talked and talked and for the first time in his life, Levi fit in.

He looked at Vicky, smiling back at him, lips rosy from the cherry cake and he realized how much he wanted this---a family. And now he finally---finally had one.


Levi found himself helping Axky clear the table after supper, a comfortable silence between them as they worked alone.

"Old Man---um I mean Axky," started Levi biting his tongue. He honestly didn't want to piss him off, but calling Axky names had become his habit.

"Yeah?" asked Axky raising a brow at him. "Spit it out lover boy."

"Um...I'll...I'll-pay-you-back-someday." he said in a rush at the end, looking down at the table and avoiding the older man's eyes. Levi was blushing with a sentiment he classified as embarrassment due to immense gratitude and the inability to return it.

Axky frowned, setting down the empty pie tray back on the table.

"Look at me, Levi." he commanded.

Levi slowly raised his eyes to meet Axky's own ones defiantly, but blinked into confusion as all he saw were twinkles in the Old Man's eyes.

"Why are you amused?" Levi asked, the flush creeping onto his neck, skin reddening like the cherry cake he'd wolfed down a while ago.

"Let me get this straight, you want to repay me. For the lawyer fees and the trip to Spain." said Axky clearly, a hand on his hips as he leaned against a chair.

"Yes." said Levi nervously. Surely Axky wouldn't ask for payment immediately, he didn't have that kind of money---

"You are an idiot." concluded Axky.

"What?" retorted Levi. He couldn't understand why he was being called names.

"Was it you who almost died at the fire?" demanded Axky.

"No. It was you---"

"Was it you who called for a lawyer?"

"No, it was you, but---"

"Was it you who suggested going to Spain?"

"No but---"

"Then shut up. This is all my idea, stop taking credit for my ingenious plan." said Axky dismissively waving his hand and walking off with the empty trays.

Levi stood in shock, trying to process what he had just been told. It took him about five minutes to understand Axky didn't expect him to pay him back, that he never did.

When he returned to take the glasses for washing, Levi found himself saying.

"Thank you Old Man. I promise I'll do you proud."

Axky would swear for the rest of his life the little prickle on his eyes was because of the very strong lemon dish soap.


A/N: Hello my lovely readers!

What did you think of this chapter?

They fly off to Spain in the next chapter and the fun begins. Poor Ted though.



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