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2 weeks.

Two long, agonizing weeks.

Levi's prescribed rest period was finally up and there was still no incriminating evidence against Gavin Walters enough to extradite him home.

"He's going to be let off easy." said Levi with a groan as he hid his face in his palms. "Gavin Walters will forever roam free and there will never be any fairness in this world."

"Mankind is doomed I tell you. Doomed." he continued hopelessly stuffing popcorn into his mouth from the bowl lying on his stomach.

He sank lower into the couch and stared blankly at the television screen in front of him. Cartoon bears eating porridge showed on the muted telly but Levi didn't care enough to change the channel. At least the bears were achieving their purpose, however lame it may be, unlike him.

Axky frowned as he picked at his treacle tart on the dining table, but didn't contradict Levi. To be honest even he was feeling rather hopeless about the situation. Gavin would never be prosecuted if they kept up like this.

"Come on guys." said Paula encouragingly as she finally switched off the television in the living room earning a surprised protest from Levi.

"The best part was just coming up! Mamma bear was just about to yell..." he said loudly before realizing he'd been emotionally invested in a children's show. "I mean whatever. The show was stupid anyway."

Paula raised an eyebrow at his words but let it pass.

"I have invited Mrs. Walters over for dinner tonight." she said.

"What?" asked Levi knocking aside the bowl of popcorn. Ignoring the mess he made on the carpet, he quickly sat up and glanced at the clock. It was half past six already, his mother was probably on her way already.

"Why?" he asked with a groan. This dinner was the last thing he needed.

"Well you boys have been working alone for a while and you must remember that Mrs. Walters is an important stakeholder in this whole situation. Her opinion matters and we need to share all our progress with her." explained Paula patiently. "Besides, Emily is lovely company."

Levi swallowed nervously. His mom was already on first name basis with Vicky's mother. It seemed that they even got along.

Was this a good thing or a bad thing?

Bad, Levi. It's a very very bad thing, his mind answered instantly before providing him with an explanation:

What if his mom spilled the beans on all the embarrassing stuff he'd done as a child? Like the time he tried to be a goldfish and almost drowned, or the time when he climbed the water pipe to get to the roof but got stuck because his loose pants fell off? Not to mention the time when he was chased by a rabid dog after his ball landed on its tail...

Levi sighed in resignation. Vicky would probably laugh if she heard these stories and tease him endlessly. But that would be it. He was secure enough in their relationship to know Vicky wasn't so shallow.

Speaking of Vicky...when would she be done with her homework anyway? She'd been up in her room since she got back from school, cursing about a stupid Math test she had to take. He missed her and the sneaky kisses he stole when Axky blinked or went to the toilet. She'd have to come down soon though, dinner time was near...

Just then the bell rang and Paula hurried to open the door to reveal a prettily dressed woman her age. She was wearing a simple teal dress and carrying a small purse, but the catchiest thing about her outfit was her big smile.

"Paula!" said Mrs. Walters hugging the woman affectionately. "Thank you for inviting me over!"

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