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Vicky switched off the lights and slumped onto her bed, barely having bothered to undress for the night.

Thankfully, her parents were understanding and hadn't asked too many questions, with Axky being especially busy with some work. She found out that he was head of cyber security for Walt Games among other things. Yes, her dad was pretty cool.

 Vicky smiled as she rolled onto her side to empty out her purse.

She pulled out her phone and set it on the bedside table and shut her eyes. It had been a horribly long day. She was exhausted, more from embarrassment than actual fatigue however.

She lay back onto her fluffy pillows and finally turned in for the night. She'd fell asleep quickly, lethargy taking over. It was a good couple of hours

A loud beep emanating from her phone cut through the silent night. 

She had probably started dreaming, because people rarely texted her and certainly no one bothered to do so at such ungodly hours. 

Another beep. Yes she was definitely dreaming.



Damn it what an annoying dream.


Shut up! Thought Vicky irritably.


Her eyes popped open. 

Levi. She had given him her number. 

This dream just got way more interesting.

Almost jumping up from the bed she lunged to grab her phone. Impatiently typing her password, she stared into the screen at messages from an unsaved number.

Her phone supplied helpfully : you have 6 unread messages from 7*91*******

Vicky hurriedly opened the notification, shaking with anticipation.

01: 00 a.m. Unknown : Hi

01:05 a.m. Unknown : is this the girl from the party tonight?

01:06 a.m. Unknown : I am the guy you met by the stairs.

01:07 a.m. Unknown : just to be clear i am not the guy who caught you downstairs. I am the one who took you upstairs i mean.

01:08 a.m. Unknown : that sounded wrong. No innuendo intended. Honest.

01:15 a.m.Unknown : If this is someone else and not the girl from the party, i'd apologize but you probably hate me anyway. 

01:30 a.m. Unknown : so yeah goodnight then whoever this is. 

Vicky snorted loudly as she read through the texts. No innuendo indeed.

He had messaged her. She tried to wrap her head around the fact, realization eliciting  a quelled squeal before she hurriedly typed back.

01:17 a.m. Vicky : hi

01:17 a.m. Vicky : this is the girl from the party. Sorry i had fallen asleep and couldn't respond sooner.

01:18 a.m. Vicky : thanks for contacting me.

Unknown is typing...

Vicky took a moment to save the number under a more fitting name.

01:18 a.m. OMGLevi : Hey. Did i wake you up? Man you must be mad. Sorry about that.

01:19 a.m. Vicky: that's okay. How come you are still awake?

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