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"Dad it's a great school, I'll fit right in." said Victoria eagerly as she followed her father into the kitchen. She sat down at the table and pulled her breakfast plate closer.

"Vicky I don't like saying no to you. Please don't make me do this again and again." said her father, a sigh escaping his mouth. He looked towards his wife, who was making pancakes, her lips twitching as she heard their banter.

"Please Daddy? Pretty please?" said Vicky bringing in the puppy dog eyes. This would have to work.

"No." said her father curtly and rushed to be by her mother. "Paula thinks it's a bad idea too."

He looked at Paula for back up, who giggled before saying, "Vicky, it's great that you want to go to a regular co-educational school, and we understand you are sick of your all girl's school. It's just that your father didn't have the best experience in a public high school. He didn't think he would have survived if he weren't friends with your uncle Jack. The place is a bit rough, and we fear we haven't raised you with enough defensive training."

Vicky looked confused and demotivated as she picked at the maple syrup dripping off the pancakes on her plate.

"Vicky, love can you tell us why it's so important for you to go to this particular high school, way south from here?" asked her father as he intently drizzled honey over his own pancakes.

She shrunk under his gaze. Of course it would all seem suspicious.

"Axky honey, maybe our little girl's ready to face the world." said Paula as she sat down at the table and smothered a generous amount of mulberry jam on her pancakes.

"Is it because of some boy?" asked Axky snapping his head up, a sudden anger lacing his tone.

Vicky knew better than to answer the question truthfully. "Um of course not Dad." she said as she swallowed with difficulty.

"Okay. If you say so." said Axky retracting his irate gaze and replacing it with an expression that seemed way too sappy to be genuine. "I completely believe you."

Vicky groaned mentally. He was trying to guilt trip her into admitting he true purpose, and judging by the knots in her stomach, she was pretty sure it was working.

Paula sighed. They were both overprotective of their daughter, but maybe it was time she had the opportunity to explore without having her parents so close all the time.

"Vicky?" she said finally. "You can go."

"What?" asked Axky and Vicky at the same time, with Axky's coming more like a protest.

"Really Mom?" asked Vicky again, her eyes bright with happiness.

"Yes. Your father will agree...eventually." she said tucking into her pancakes and deliberating about whether she should have put some cream to make them fluffier.

"I will?" drawled Axky, sounding hurt and a little betrayed.

Paula smiled. "I was speaking to Brielle last week. She said she has no problem sending her sons to the same school as well. You can all join together."

Axky blinked before giving her a satisfied smile. Of course Paula had a plan. After all these years she continued to surprise him. Vicky on the other hand...

"MOM!" she almost shrieked. "Please for the love of all things holy, do NOT send Jason and Gary to the same school."

"Why not dear?" asked Axky innocently. "They're like your younger siblings. They will only be starting middle school and you'll barely see each other except for..."

"Going to school, coming back from school, lunch hours, in the corridors?" finished Vicky dread descending on her as she frantically thought of a way to escape this situation. Jason and Gary were the stuff nightmares were made of. To top it all they were extremely protective of Vicky, thinking of her as their older sister. They were twin brothers, both twelve years old and with such disruptive energy that wherever they went, they left a wreckage akin to a devastating hurricane.

Paula and Axky looked smug as they exchanged glances. This was way better than any body guard they could find. Whatever boy troubles Vicky might have, Jason and Gary could solve it easily. They would make sure no one messed with their little girl.

Vicky cursed under her breath. Of course. Of course, they both knew why she wanted to go to that school. That's why they were making this so difficult.

"Fine." she said resignedly. Her mission was bigger than anything else after all. It had been six long years since the day at the playground, and yet no one made her  heart beat the way he did, when his eyes found her own. Yes, he was worth the torture.

"The little devils can come with me."

Axky looked surprised but hid it well as Paula smiled merrily. "That's lovely dear. Brielle said the next session starts in a couple of weeks. It will be a good change from your all girl's school."

Vicky nodded reluctantly. She was nervous, that was for sure. But she'd led a pretty secluded life so far. Her father was a world famous hacker and made millions of dollars every month. Her mother was a celebrity chef who was often on the news.  While, Axky always managed to hack into databases and delete her pictures to protect her privacy, things got ugly quickly when ordinary people find out who she was. It wasn't surprising that Paula and Axky were uneasy about sending her to a new school alone. She supposed she was lucky they weren't sending a covert squad after her. Or maybe they were.

As long as they kept to the shadows, she supposed it was okay.

She was quite ordinary in her old school, where she studied with the most affluent of girls in the USA. She had only one good friend, Megan, who had moved to England earlier that year. Vicky found that there was nothing worthwhile left in that school for her anymore.

It was time she chased after what she truly wanted.

It was time she sought out the boy who held her heart for so long.

It was time she made the first move.

"I'm ready." she said licking her lips.

A/N: Hi everyone!

Things get juicy in the next chapter! Imagine going from an all girls school to a co-ed school just to find a guy you crushed on when you still had milk teeth. Well Vicky isn't one to give up.

Tune in next time as she speaks to boys her age for the first time. Also we get to see how big a terror Jason and Gary really are.

Thank you for reading!

Lots of love,


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