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"It's been six hours and we still don't have anything." said Levi disappointment lacing his tone.

Axky sighed and handed him another chocolate chip cookie. "We need to keep looking." he said calmly. "I'm sure we can find something to prosecute him with."

"There's nothing!" shouted Levi angrily returning the cookie to the bowl. "Not one fucking thing. The asshole destroyed all the evidence there ever was!" 

Axky shook his head and took the cookie for himself. Levi was still a teenager and very impatient. He didn't know that hacking wasn't all action all the time. There were dead ends here too, like most professions.

"Don't curse in front of my wife." he advised instead. "She'll make you wash your mouth with soap. Made Jack and me do it once."

He shuddered at the memory, but internally agreed that cursing in front of the kids wasn't a good idea.

Levi stood up and paced around the room in frustration. Axky was being rational, calm and well adult about this whole thing. And it was pissing him off. Levi's anger simmered under the surface as he craved some solitude. Spotting an empty balcony, he hurried to find some peace there. He leaned against the railing, his back to the afternoon sun and contemplated about his situation.

"Fuck." he said in a low voice. He wanted Gavin Walters behind bars, working his ass off in prison for the rest of his life. And he wanted it right now damn it!

"Watcha doin'?" came a sudden voice and Levi almost fell off the railing.

Spinning around he looked down to see Vicky waving her arm. "Missed you." she said brightly.

She looked so pretty just then, with the golden light reflecting off the loose strands of hair framing her face, he forgot why he was in the balcony, forgot why he was angry, forgot  that Axky was just in the other room and spoke.

" look so beautiful." he said, catching her eyes and holding on with ease. "I want to kiss you."

Vicky blushed a deep red and looked away almost instantly.

"Levi..." she tried to stop him, but Levi went on, intoxicated by her mere presence, and overwhelmed by the surge of love he felt towards her.

"I want to take you away. Just you and me, having fun, making out, making love. God, I want to forget all of this and just kiss you. God, Vicky, hold on, I'll come down and take you---" he said passionately turning around and crashing into Axky's chest.

"Old man?" he said disoriented slightly by the collision. As soon as he realized what happened, he wanted to face palm. Don't tell me he heard us!

"Run away with my daughter?" repeated Axky raising an eyebrow looking thoroughly displeased.

"Yeah." said Levi automatically before wishing he would just shut up. "And get married preferably."

"You are sixteen." pointed out Axky smugly, secretly glad that the hormonal kid was still underage. "You can forget about the making love thing. Vicky is not going to sleep with you."

"How can you be so sure?" demanded Levi crossing his arms, completely missing how raging bull angry Axky looked right this minute. "Old Man?"

Yes. There was no damn filter in Levi's mouth.

Axky looked like he wanted nothing more than to box Levi's face into a postcard and send it to the Juvenile Correction Center. But of course, there were gentle arms holding his hand all of a sudden and his resolve to see Levi dead weakened.

Levi's SecretWhere stories live. Discover now