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His shirt was rough, his chest strong, the arms around her encircled like a protective cage.

Even after all this time he still made her feel the same way.

"Do you really remember?" she asked head still buried in his cotton shirt. He smelled of freshly mowed lawns and minty cool soap, so much like the summer they'd first met.

Nostalgia sent goosebumps down her arm as she looked up at him, afraid he wouldn't feel the same.

His eyes looked troubled as they found her own.

"I remember." he said, still holding her close. "But I don't understand."

"What what don't don't you understand?" she asked, fear lacing her voice as the stutter made a comeback.

"Any of it." he said with a laugh. He tucked a strand of hair behind Vicky's ear and looked conflicted for a moment before speaking again.

"Why me? Why bother?" he said suddenly releasing her. "It doesn't make any sense."

It felt cold when he released her and Vicky had to hug herself to keep warm.

"Come inside." she said softly turning to walk back into the house. "I'll explain everything."

Shock graced his face fleetingly before he nodded and followed her inside.


If there was anything ten-year-old Vicky knew it was that homeschooling sucked. Big time.

She hated her tutors, they were bossy and mean and really really uncool.

Especially her computer science tutor. He insisted she study the basics of the computer system, when she'd already smashed open and put together one when she was six.

Her Dad was always busy and her Mom was always busy and she had no siblings. Life was dull, life was boring, life was slow---and her tutor had just gone for a washroom break.

Vicky hurriedly put on a pair of fairy pink sandals and sneaked out of the front door.

When the tutor returned, he searched and searched the entire house but could not find her.


Levi sat at one end of the blue faux leather sofa while Vicky sat pressed to the opposite end. A blush covered her face and neck as she stopped speaking.

"You ran away from home at ten?" he  asked a teasing smile on his lips. "A little rebel, who would have thought."

"Yeah, it was stupid of me," said Vicky staring at her hands on her lap. "But I was angry. No one ever had any time for me, I had no friends and there was always this need for everyone to protect me. All the time."

Levi didn't say anything at that, but kept looking at her intently as she continued her rant.

"I was lonely. I had never played with other kids my age before. I wasn't allowed anywhere outside the house grounds. The grounds are huge, I admit, but I'd take a crowded little community playground over a desolate garden any day."

"Did you hate your parents?" asked Levi sliding a little closer on the sofa.

"No I love them." she said truthfully. "But I needed something more, a human touch other than just them. They had their jobs and careers, though they were always there, they were never truly there."

Levi nodded.

"I understand. Do you want to share what happened after you left home?" he said.

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