Chapter 44

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"Ted Wilson?" repeated Levi in shock. "You know that guy?"

Vicky wondered why it was so unexpected, she'd known Uncle Ted all her life. She nodded anyway.

"Vicky he's the best lawyer in the continent." said Levi running his hands through his hair messing it up completely.

"Now look Axky, that's a good kid right there." said someone from behind them.

Levi turned swiftly to see a salt pepper bearded man. He was taller than him, and much bulkier, a nice pot belly happily protruding his grey suit. For a minute, Levi thought he was starstruck. This was the lawyer who solved legendary cases...the Riberbery case, the Kormin's case, the Dixon case...Hell Ted Wilson even had his own show on the Legal Matters television channel. Levi schooled his features to return from gaping awe to one of dignified indifference.

It was easier to treat Ted Wilson as just another guy when he spotted an extremely unhappy Axky standing beside him.

"Levi's not all that great. Just another obnoxious teenager if you ask me." Axky said grumpily, earning a scowl from Levi. "He's rude and has an ego bigger than Paula's kitchen."

Gee. Thanks Axky. Would you like to write my college recommendation letter?

"What's that Axky?" said Ted cheerfully. "Must be hard to like the guy dating your little princess eh?"

"You have no idea how bad it is." muttered Axky. "He keeps trying to grope Vicky whenever I'm not around."

"Hey!" protested Levi. "I don't grope Vicky!"

"Well you're always sucking face and wandering your hands all over the place. It's all I ever see on the security cameras." retaliated Axky.

Levi was flabbergasted for a second but it didn't matter because Vicky had something to say.

"DAD!" she shrieked. "You watch us on CCTV?'s private!"

"No." corrected Axky calmly. After all, his enemy was the corrupt and vile Levi not his pure and innocent daughter who possessed no desire for sex. "The inside of our home is private. If you make out on the balcony the twins aren't the only one's who get a view."

"Shit." Vicky groaned. How embarrassing that her parents knew all about her little flights of affection.

"Want me to sue him for invading your privacy?" suggested Ted happily. "It will be my pleasure. I'll even do it for free."

"Shut up Ted." said Axky rolling his eyes. "I'll just delete all the evidence. Remember the last time I hacked into your computer?"

"You almost ruined my career you bastard." said Ted with a glint in his eye. It looked to Levi as though...he didn't mind.

"I said I was sorry, didn't I?" said Axky impatiently. "Can't you bury the hatchet?"

"Nah." said Ted waving his hand. "Where's the fun in that?"

Axky glared at him as Levi looked on in amusement. For all he knew, Ted Wilson was exactly the kind of antagonizing person he would become at his age. Man, they needed to raise the legal drinking age in this country. Heaven knows he needed a stiff one right then.

"Come on guys," called Paula just then. "The food's ready. We can discuss over dinner."

Everyone stopped to smell the wafting aroma of fresh lasagna and blueberry pie and decided they could fight some other time.

"Ah, come on Axky my boy," said Ted wrapping his arm around Axky's shoulders and leading him to the dining room. "You get riled up so easily. You're lucky Paula is so calm."

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