Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Sirens were heard from the distance, making me step back and look at Wesley in panic.

He grabbed Lindsey by the wrist and muttered something I couldn't quite hear. I saw how she nodded in understanding and rushed to Chase and me. "Hurry, get inside the car with the rest of the members. They will take you to their hideout. Wesley and I will take care of the police," she instructed us, and we nodded.

Two guys motioned for us to get inside one of the cars and we complied, quickly jumping into the backseats. Blue lights could be seen getting closer by the minute, and the car rushed out of the place through another exit.

I glanced out the window as we sped off and watched how some other men threw my unconscious mother inside the same car Steven was in. I visibly grimaced and shook my head in sadness and disappointment. I turned to Chase to find him already looking at me with sad eyes. When I frowned at him, he only placed his good arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. My heart warmed at the gesture as I nuzzled my nose on the crook of his neck tiredly.

He tensed slightly under me but relaxed a second after, tightening his hold on me. Someone cleared their throat awkwardly in front of us and I moved my head to glance to the front. The man driving was blushing slightly, and I smirked.

Who would have thought that a buff man in a dangerous gang would blush because of a teenage couple?

"I'm sorry, Boss. We're going to arrive at the destination you ordered me to take you to," he spoke in a deep voice. I couldn't help the bark of laughter that escaped my mouth at his formality. He blushed even more as I kept on laughing, and Chase let out a small chuckle from beside me.

"Such formality, damn. Cut the crap, there's no need for such a thing. Plus, calling me Boss makes me feel way too old. Call me Amelia, it's much better," I said with a smirk.

He opened and closed his mouth for a second then just nodded. A minute later, we arrived in front of a huge gate that belonged to a mansion in the outskirts of town. Four men stood in front of the gate, wearing black attire and holding an M-15. I nodded in approval at their choice of weapon as one of them neared the driver's side.

"Hey man, Steven lost the bet. Seems like we've got a new boss now," the man behind the steering wheel said and pointed to me. The one with the gun glanced at me and I shot him a smirk, raising an eyebrow challengingly.

He held my stare for a moment and stepped back, motioning for the other men to open the gates. Soon enough, the huge gates opened and the driver advanced forward inside the property. Chase let out a low whistle at our surroundings. I would've too if I wasn't worried about more important things. I couldn't deny that it was a very beautiful building. With its tall brick walls and well-maintained rose garden, who wouldn't love living here?

Me, of course. I hated roses. I know; I'm such a paradox person.

"Welcome to your new home, Amelia," the driver said just as a woman opened the door for me. I eyed her warily and stepped out while the two other cars parked beside the one I just got out of. People gathered around and I felt Chase's presence behind me. Three men hoisted Steven out of the car he was in, along with my still knocked-out mother.

He growled at the men holding him while they glared at him. Everyone turned to me expectantly, as if waiting for my orders. My mouth felt dry as I looked at every single person around me. There were around fifty people or more, to say the least. Steven smirked as he took in my reaction to the many people I haven't seen before.

I recognized some of the faces, but just barely. I pursed my lips in a thin line and straightened my back, taking a step forward. "Place this man in a room and guard it properly. From this moment onwards, I have been declared your boss. I suggest you do not defy me. Even though I am just an eighteen-year-old girl, I can kick your ass. Don't test me," I warned.

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