Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I pounded on Kenneth's door frantically until he opened it with an annoyed expression. I just smiled sheepishly and threw my bag at him, preventing him from saying anything. He caught it before it could hit his face, his annoyance visibly growing.

I glanced over my shoulder, making sure there wasn't any car coming up from either side of the road. "My mother is bound to be here any minute now. If she asks you where I am, just tell her I headed out to buy something to eat, I don't know. Just make something up then text me once she's gone. I'll hide my baby in the meantime," I instructed.

He stared at me with a bored expression, the bag now thrown by the side of the door. He just sighed and nodded, waving a hand in a 'go away' motion, then closed the door.

I hurried back to my bike and hopped on, driving slowly to not make much noise. I reached an abandoned building about four houses down Kenneth's and parked my baby behind it. Shutting the engine down, I stretched my arms over my head and waited patiently. About ten minutes later, I heard the sound of a car passing by, then felt the vibration of my phone in my pocket. Sure enough, it was Kenneth letting me know that the coast was clear.

I jogged back to his house and found him already waiting for me at the door. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he saw me approaching. "You know that you've got to stop lying to your mother one of these days."

"Maybe, but I'm sure that today is not that day." I shrugged.

He shook his head and stepped aside to let me in. "You can't always run away from your problems, and I'm sure you're aware of that," he pointed out.

I ignored him and headed to the living room, going straight to the rack of movies. I picked out an action movie and placed the disk in the movie player. Throwing myself on the couch comfortably, I hit the play button on the remote.

Kenneth sat on the floor next to the couch and watched the movie with me. "You're lucky that your mom thinks that I'm a sane boy."

"I'm sure she wonders why an 'innocent' boy would be friends with such a troublemaker." I laughed. "Hey, let's invite Dan over."

"Lily, you know that her dad is not a complete fan of me. I'm sure he would let her crash the night once pigs could fly." He chuckled and we continued to watch the movie in silence.

I stifled a yawn once the movie was over and decided to head up to take a shower.

Kenneth bid me goodnight and headed over to his room, closing the door behind him.

My duffel bag was now in the guest room, so I went there to pick up some clothes. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth, doing a little dance while doing both things. I headed back to the room once I finished, glancing at the digital clock on the nightstand. There were only a few minutes left for 8:00 PM, so I simply laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. I wasn't sure how much time had passed, but the next time I opened my eyes, there was sunlight seeping through the blinds. The red, flashing numbers of the clock read 7:26 in the morning.

My muscles were a little sore due to yesterday's training, but I smiled in satisfaction because of the feeling. I recalled Chase's clumsiness while I taught him how to throw punches, and I couldn't help chuckling. For such a tall guy, his behavior was pretty adorable. Not going to lie. Though, it kind of suited him.

I got off the bed and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. Kenneth was all dressed up, finishing off a sandwich by the kitchen island. He noticed me and lifted his left hand to ruffle my hair, but I smacked it away before he could do so. He muttered something about me being no fun, then headed out with his messenger bag slung over his shoulder.

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