Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

We were all gathered up in Lindsey's basement. The whole room was filled with bullet holes and there were broken things everywhere. Lindsey was able to repair some computers, which weren't too damaged, at least.

My wounds had been treated and I was forced to stay put until I recovered completely. They treated me like a child all the time now, and it was starting to get irritating.

"We do this because we care," Wesley explained, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"There goes the typical parent line. You two should just marry each other and have kids already," I said and yawned. Lindsey—who was currently taking a sip of water—started coughing violently, and I smirked.

"It's getting late, you should sleep," Lindsey said after she finally stopped coughing.

"See? You two could be the perfect parents, you're already acting like them!" I joked, and Chase chuckled beside me. Lindsey glared at me as Wesley shook his head in amusement. I waved at them dismissively then started making my way up the stairs, but not before yelling over my shoulder, "I'm going to be the maid of honor!"

"Go to sleep already!" Wesley shouted, and I laughed.

Chase followed me up the stairs and into one of the guest rooms.

I let out another yawn before glancing at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was almost midnight already, and the bed in the middle of the room was calling my name.

"I'll leave you to rest," Chase whispered behind me, and I turned to look at him.

"Every time I say this, I feel weird, but thank you," I said, and he smiled.

"Seven," he said randomly, and I furrowed my brows in confusion. "This is the seventh time you've thanked me this month."

I couldn't help but laugh at this. "I see you decided to play the same game. Though I already lost count since I forgot about it."

"Well, I had the opportunity, so I grabbed it. So far, it's worth it," he said, and I chuckled.

"Goodnight, Brownie," I said, and he smiled slightly.

"It's already past midnight, so, technically, it's morning."

"Don't go all nerd on me now, Chase," I said with an eye roll and he laughed.

He stared at my eyes for a moment before leaning down hesitantly. I bit my lip and leaned forward as well, capturing his lips with mine in a soft kiss. We stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling away slowly, and he smiled down at me.

"Good morning, Amelia," he whispered, and I pushed him away playfully. He chuckled and opened the door, before walking out of the room. Just when he was about to close the door behind him, we heard Wesley shouting from downstairs.

"I'm going to be the best man!"

* * *

The next morning, we all gathered up around the kitchen table and ate breakfast in silence. We were going to stay at another one of Lindsey's houses in the town next to ours.

The constant worry of my mother left me anxious, so I decided I would go pay her a visit. I knew the risks of doing so, but I already had a plan for it to work. The others knew about it and were willing to help.

I glanced at my watch and finished my breakfast in a rush. Everyone stared at me but didn't say anything as I stood up and went to my room. I threw on some dark clothes and grabbed a bandana from the nightstand, before going down to the basement. I armed myself up with comfortable weapons, and soon enough, everyone joined me.

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