Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I stared at the boring, white ceiling as I laid down on my bed. My phone was thrown off to the side carelessly, only a few centimeters away from the edge. It was still early in the afternoon, the numbers on the digital clock barely reaching one o'clock. Danielle had called me before lunch break ended, asking for the juicy details just like the gossiper she was. She was the sort of girl who loved to spread information around and be on top of the latest news. How could I be friends with a person like her was beyond me, not that it was a bad thing.

Leaving the comforts of my bed, I dragged my feet over to my drawers and pulled out some track pants, a sports bra, and a track jacket to combine with the pants. I made my way over to the bathroom across the hall, taking my sweet time under the warm shower as I washed away today's events. The fluffiness of my blue towel engulfed my body once I stepped out of the shower and dried myself with it, putting on my clothes and ruffling my hair with my fingers right after.

I threw the dirty clothes inside the laundry basket and walked outside the bathroom while bringing the zipper of my jacket up to my chest. Faint noise was heard from downstairs as I walked back inside my bedroom and pulled on some socks and my running shoes. I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh before trotting down the steps and going into the kitchen. My hand reached for the handle of the fridge, pulling the door open and grabbing a water bottle before closing it back up. The sound of footsteps was heard approaching the kitchen, and I braced myself for whatever was going to be thrown my way.

"So, I heard you got suspended again," a gruff voice spoke. 

I placed the water bottle on the counter beside the sink and turned around to face my stepfather. "And?" I asked nonchalantly, bringing my arms up and crossing them over my chest.

"You should stop bringing trouble to your mother, work stresses her enough."

"Like you care." I scoffed. 

His eyes narrowed at this, obviously not handling the disrespect. "You should watch your mouth, Amelia. We both know damn well what happens when you disrespect me," he warned, pointing an accusing finger my way.

"And we both know damn well that I don't care. I speak to you however I wish. Just because you're dating my mother doesn't mean I should respect you," I snarled and grabbed my water bottle before turning my back on him and heading to the garage. "Oh, and if you don't know, respect is something you have to earn."

"And where do you think you're going?" he bellowed once I reached the door. 

Before I opened it to step inside the garage, I sent him a glare over my shoulder. "It's none of your business." With that, I walked forward and closed the door behind me. 

His voice drowned out as I approached my ride. A smile graced my lips while my fingers caressed the leather seat of my motorcycle. With a small tug, I pulled it up and reached inside the small compartment to grab my helmet and keys. I instantly threw the helmet on and closed the compartment back down, hopping on the seat and turning the ignition on before driving off.

I didn't miss the way my name was called faintly from the background. It was easy to ignore thanks to the revving of the engine and the wind slapping against the visor of my helmet. I drove down the familiar streets for five minutes before slowing down and parking in front of one of my favorite places to clear my mind. The soft roaring of the engine was cut short as I took the key out of the ignition and hopped off the motorcycle in a swift movement. I couldn't help the smile that graced my lips once I took my helmet off and walked inside the building.

The cold air of the air conditioning hit my face when I stepped past the automatic sliding doors. A familiar face lined in my field of vision as I approached the counter, and the person smirked once he took notice of me.

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